Message from @kampfersturm
Discord ID: 492541153543979038
<:tamamodab2:485506018227257346> <:inshallah:489098822320914432> <:TamamoDab:483459011463741451>
ausfag here again who is now obsessed with longslide pistols for the 5th time this month
More like nigga obssesed with 🅱 ig cocks
Fruity Rudy in new episode of inrange
hey nodles
Boil the cosmoline off
Missing anything?
a good sense of taste?
a free float handguard?
isnt bear creek shit
It’s hard to fuck up a barrel
And Bear Creek barrels ain’t too shabby
Build a dissipator cunt
Cursed image
is that some sort of luger
idk how id feel putting a sight on that action
It’s airshit
Fuck you guys are newfags
That’s an ancient image
There’s a C96 done the same way that is also airshit
And the Luger AK, for example
I've learned that people do horrible things to old guns
getting a nice glocc for cheaps
should i unironically buy a couple stendos
Why not