Message from @Nic386
Discord ID: 492233471918604288
Cursed(?) image
Marines: Meals Rejected by Ethiopians, shit on a shingle edition.
Air Force: You want extra cheese a jalapeños with that? Cut up the pepperonis so there’s even coverage. Not too done, please.
Imaging being TD branch in the pacific
You don’t ever have to fight anything with anti-armour capability and you’re in the fastest armoured vehicle in the world at the time, and it’s also a convertible
@Sadmin and anyone else got AR parts?
Makarov came in, it's pretty damn nice, just need to remove some cosmoline
Nice. Bulgy?
This probably sounds like heresy but I want to modify a spanish FR8 mauser to feed from a CETME model C magazine.
ausfag here again who is now obsessed with longslide pistols for the 5th time this month
More like nigga obssesed with 🅱 ig cocks
Fruity Rudy in new episode of inrange
hey nodles
Boil the cosmoline off
Missing anything?
a good sense of taste?
a free float handguard?
isnt bear creek shit
It’s hard to fuck up a barrel
And Bear Creek barrels ain’t too shabby
Build a dissipator cunt
Can someone make killer ammo for serious welder?