Message from @badtanman
Discord ID: 306556412786638850
CHeck the price on mein kampf
its real
yes, I already ordered mine
mein buch
ich hab mein buch gekaufen
thats all the german I know
ordered one lol
welcome to the watch list
i prefer the manga adaptation
more white people will celebrate may the 4th than a repeal of the hart celler act
i love quatro de mayo
muh star wars xddd
arrested development right?
its a real holiday that real people celebrate
i know that one
but quatro de mayo is from that show
oh you mean cinco de quatro
Oh FFS. Our people are so fucking retarded. We deserve this struggle.
if it's not relatable to pop culture it's not worth thinking about
You mean we deserve the earth?
soundtrack to rahowa
they'll never see it coming
We deserve constant threat of extermination. It's the only way we will act right. We are weak. The fight is required to make us strong. Long periods without a fight turn us into the boomers
read the comments
people bringing up USS Liberty
calling zionism the "synagogue of satan" lol
Nah the P5 Soundtrack does not get me pumped for RAHOWA
Wew they do thot genocide to a T in season 3 of Vikings