Message from @karat
Discord ID: 530397991190921216
Weird how it's often the alt right folks
well it is false flag
and I am pretty sure that if you are ready to kill for your cause its considered extrmist
Plz don't
You can use ub3r.b0t to create polls
It's not an inside job
Just stop
Jet fuel can't melt steel beams
it cant
🍍 🍫
but the Architect died in 9/11 what a coincidence
The titanic was designed to be unsinkable
it was an Inside job too
The titanic was at sea
And there's more water than boat
So you rarted chief uwu
the titanic was a big Insurance fraud
it wasnt a inside job
it was a inside JEB
It was an inside job, Bush was on a school looking very strange and nervous
9/ inside job...I think not.
Normal thing to children say just before the fact
There was nothing even to gain from blowing up the WORLD TRADE center
and the PENTAGON
and almost CONGRESS
there was
look at the wars