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Nice video about Brasil
I'm Brazilian btw
Lol yeah we already started to line up to take showers
The left just spread lies and the way to deal with it is with humor, btw the economy is falling everywhere but here
Plz don't
It was an inside job, Bush was on a school looking very strange and nervous
Normal thing to children say just before the fact
@Flash false flags my friend
The same thing happened with Louisiana ship that started WWI
@Flash I'm talking about this https://youtu.be/iYO_gK3P2ls
@Flash do you think this breve firefighters are liars?
That was the point
To make more war
War makes money also war is the peg of usd
But I think it's more than money it's about power and their ideologies
Even Hillary confessed they created Al-Queda
Btw it didn't gone well
The communists are on the rise
Now we have communists and terrorists
Which one the communists or the terrorists? @Flash
Man the communists are everywhere
China, Russia the EU are all Communists
How many years PUTIN is on power?
Is there any plans for him to leave?
Here on South America there was a meeting called Foro de São Paulo It was a communist meeting
All participants got elected
For the last 20 years
That's why it's been horrible here
Now Lula is on jail Chaves is dead and we are starting get get rid of it
Putin is bringing nuclear bombers to Venezuela and there are plans to build weapons factory there this year
Brasil never attacked anyone but this time we may
Yesterday all leftist were put out of the civil house
We were on bricks becouse the last government was a socialist government
The border with Venezuela is on chaos so some action will be taken
It's been only 3 days out of socialism let's see what happens for now on
Well it's a long history is was but the government made look like it wasn't
This video explain a little
C ta zuando né?
What was the last time Venezuela had elections?
Maduro needs to go away to Venezuela be free
Oscar Peres was a hero died as one
@Grimm0175 buy bitcoin couse the inflation will not stop until maduro goes away
Looks like dash is doing a great job there
It's been 3 days no one was killed this dictatorship sucks
Sad his wife talked before him on the inauguration
What kind of sexist dictator allows that
Lol his
Lula inauguration had not a single flag of Brasil
How we didn't saw it coming
Just communist flags
Hope we never see communism here again
Just disliked 😅
Nope I live on Brasil
That's crazy he is Democrat for sure
Seems like everything is possible this days a machine had citizen rights on saudi arabia
And women don't
Soon x people will start to take it than
I hope so for the good of humanity, but people tend to ask for more socialism on times of crises
Socialism never works.
And socialism leads to centralization of power corruption and violence
70% of taxes
Praise socialism
Why not 90% of taxes?
Muh mainstream media bs
So homophobic
About Amazônia you can just see the Google images of the last 20 years. The last government allowed it to be destroyed and now it's a problem 🤦
Most of mainstream media tells is bs, to know the actual facts just digging deep on alternative midia, official files, etc.
To have an idea this is the last mainstream media campaign lol pushing feminism the left agenda
I thought it was a parody account at first but it's not 🤣
Wat? Lol
Tell this to the Communists
Yeah the guy responsible for that is on prison right now
And plz don't call Brazilians stupid be civil
The ex president Lula
@YH!one Lula WHAT? Man just look at this
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