Message from @Dina
Discord ID: 646115372121980958
"Six o' clock can be dangerous". Q
Yep may be interesting
The Wages of Trump Fixation – @VDHanson
Chairman @LindseyGrahamSC today announced that Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz will testify before the Committee on Wednesday, December 11, 2019.
I have seen this put in the chat by others. I have only started watching so I can’t give an educated opinion on him yet. I like that his videos tend to be short with little fluff. Whether or not the info is accurate or a misinformation, IDK.
Howdy howdy y'all.
Thanks @crystalclear , @RAKRail & @lmbd for the heads up.... Taking a break and going to check them out
Judge Jeanine is on the 5 and was going at it with Jesse is spot on and letting it rip these days...
He also took his training from O"Reilly which you have to be tough to work with Bill who gave him his start. @jakee528
Yeah that last round of texts was a hoot when she asked about him taking his cue from QAnon lol.
Yes and tweeted it.
Last week. @Ann found this at the start of his career before Potus was elected
@jakee528 hahahahaha I remember that episode. Bill often got on my nerves but I still watched him pretty faithfully when he was on fox.
@RAKRail hubby doesn't terrorize me for having her in the house (which my son bought) but he terrorizes and abuses the hell out of her with questions.
@jakee528 I can't repeat the questions he asks her on here....even I'm not that vulgar lol.
hahaha I love it...same here. My hubs is hysterical with some of the stuff..she just shuts off and won't answer @Ann
By the way, she'll answer questions about killary's books but doesn't know jack about Don Jr.'s book Triggered. I think it triggers her.