Message from @Dina

Discord ID: 672087199528910870

2020-01-29 14:11:02 UTC  

The guy behind the article i posted... "conspiracy website run by David Chase Taylor, a paranoid nutjob"
Ok i am going to trust this guy <:rofl:508683941406965764>

2020-01-29 14:12:54 UTC

2020-01-29 14:16:20 UTC  

Good Morning @MistyLynn

2020-01-29 14:24:56 UTC  

FYI: My husband works in insurance and they have Chinese workers who process some of the policy data entry. The Chinese offices are staying closed thru February 3rd. Apparently the Chinese New Year is being extended due to the virus.

2020-01-29 14:26:44 UTC  

The DESTRUCTION of the Family is written in books like "Happy Wife, Happy Life" a Femi-Nazi Manuscript to make Men responsible for making all women happy when women can be happy by themselves. Individual happiness is one's own responsiblity. The American Christian Church as fallen for this Trap of Hideous Doctrine. When the High Increase in Dovorce Rates among Christian Men and Women are related to the whole Femi-Nazi Movement it is a direct corrilation to manuscripts like "Happy Wife, Happy Life".

2020-01-29 14:29:44 UTC  

@1K L C Q πŸ•‡ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
What about Mossad? Aren't they demonic to just like CIA? What about Mega Group? What about Israeli Intelligence and Mossad and Cia funding terrorism?

2020-01-29 14:29:59 UTC  

This is odd, last count I recall was 17, then one more death and now 21 victims.?

2020-01-29 14:32:18 UTC  

What are the names behind the banking system, hollywood, government positions?

2020-01-29 14:33:40 UTC  

@LonghornRancher Israel & Mossad ain't got nothing to do with an Individuals Personal Problems and an Individual Nation's Problem. Israel IS NOT the repsonible party to the whole darn world's problems. GET OFF OF ISRAEL and please stop acting like Israel is the problem of everything.
So forth and so on.

Please provide proof of ISRAEL being every MINOR MICROSCOPIC PROBLEM in this Freaking world. Cough it up. Provide THE SAUCE.

2020-01-29 14:33:50 UTC  

What about the Talmudic side of things? Who are they? Aren't they apart of Lucifers army? They blaspheme Christs name in the Mishna along with Mary His mother.

2020-01-29 14:35:37 UTC  

@1K L C Q πŸ•‡ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

You are ignorant idiot if you dont think this Fakr Israel run by the Rothchilds can do no wrong! This fake Israel is being used to consolidate world power to set up the anti Christ.

2020-01-29 14:37:06 UTC  

@1K L C Q πŸ•‡ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
I provided you with proof of a two hour documentary over 5 days ago! You can sell and screem all you want at me but it doesnt change the facts.

2020-01-29 14:37:43 UTC  

@LonghornRancher So, you must think and believe that POTUS Trump is a "Puppet" of Israel since his daughter is married to a Jew Man. That's what all Jew & Israel Hateres think and believe. You must think Ivanka & Jared are oh so evil now. GET REAL PLEASE.

2020-01-29 14:39:09 UTC  

@1K L C Q πŸ•‡ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
Who are you as a person anyway? I was on this channel from the beginning and now you just run roughshot over it and yell and screem when someone doesn't agree with your myopic viewpoints.

2020-01-29 14:41:39 UTC  

@1K L C Q πŸ•‡ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
My loyalty is to the US Constitution not Israel. I am not a jew hater. I am a person who wants the rule of law followed. If Israel undermines our rule of law, they need to be dealt with like any other country.

2020-01-29 14:44:38 UTC  

@LonghornRancher I'm sick and tired of all the hatred towards Israel and Jews. I've had enough of the crap.
My "LOYALTY" is FIRST to God Almighty & Jesus Christ and The Holy Word. My Nation and Country comes SECOND. I will never apologize for defending THE FAITH nor defending BOTH my own Nation & Israel.

2020-01-29 14:45:46 UTC  

@1K L C Q πŸ•‡ πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ
Then why are you reading Q posts? Q says Israel will be dealt with last for a very good reason. Is Q racist too?

2020-01-29 14:46:32 UTC  

@jimmy.lionstar re: MSN article about POTUS saying WW6 Toward the bottom, 16 testimonies are listed on the Dem website... who else is missing besides Atkinson? Re:France police vs Firefighters... there were UN forces in France last year- are those really French police?

2020-01-29 14:49:09 UTC  

You know, I am not going to allow you to bully me or anyone else on this channel anymore. God, Country and family for me. My Country is the United States of America pal, and if you cant handle that then move to Israel and pick up a weapon and defend it with your own life. I will not be defending something set up by the Satanic.Rothschild family through the Balfor Accord.