Message from @JDB
Discord ID: 545720339741671468
maybe tomorrow
Sorry I hurt your feelings dude
Hope you get to it.
I'm just Happy Bout MGTOW DAY!!!!
@shango Don’t feel bad, he’s fucking around. He’ll be back.
The best one line joke
Man why you gotta be like that, who hurt you?
All ahris want nexus
Who hurt *you*
Man I love having a fix all argument maybe they're onto something
im back
for 1 mor eQ
how do u store infor
Lmk how this joke is
What's the best form of protection when you're about to have sex with a woman?
A Lawyer
Funny cuz it's true
there is no protection from women
instead of looking like a million bucks try getting away with looking like 2 bucks
@frugalcasper I do it all the time
keep that hoodie up
@frugalcasper You gotta be like me, 20 y/o shirts and sweats that are stained and ugly AF
I think I have some of my dads shirts from the 80s too
@Reszo you can walk the line between being dirty and not looking like you have money
Women like men who look good because it means that if you spend money on yourself you'll probably spend on them
Last resort is a waifu body pillow you can carry around
Yeh I get the dichotomy between being tall and in shape, and then having cheap old clothes. I like fucking with their heads.
@Reszo If you are good looking and fit then you can get away with a lot
Play the cards you're dealt, just don't play the woman's game