Message from @Koba
Discord ID: 315230131180535808
based shitty dancer waifu
yeah the bad dancer
tbh i see so many pictures of girls that they just become interchangeable cute faces
bad dancers are so much sexier than good dancers
any girl that's above a 9 just becomes cute girl #9398382
at least you recognize some faces
>tfw have to switch off my gregorian chants to listen to french singer girl
who here /RealCarBreakDownHours/
im sorry
yuropoor car is going to fail me again, its going to be the transmission next time
An illegal immigrants most expensive bill is their i Verizon i phone 7 with the unlimited data plan.
oh christ trade in that german go kart already
dude nice gif
I love it man
i wish i knew how to make gifs
Ok time to get drunk
but the transmission is going to fail me in the next several thousand miles
she isnt even twerking wtf
>driving an autotragic
@Convo just go to a youtube video and add gif before youtube to the url
twerking was invented in 1294 by st. george himself
I had an engine mount fixed and idk dude, maybe its just adjusting, but theres a bit of whining noise, 1st gear is much more severe than before and its rougher when its finding its idle
twerking is implicitly white
I twerk for fitness purposes
after squats I do weighted assclaps
theres still slippage in 2nd and 3rd, I think as long as I take it easy on the synchros and dont grind at all I can squeeze several thousand miles out of the car
I just have to be really delicate lol
Twerking: for when u run outta toilet paper
not sure, I didnt replace it
oh ok
had a good mechanic replace it though, I dont think hed fuck it up
@badtanman woes a cute
Twerking and Daggering are the only two acceptable forms of dancing tbhfam