Message from @Dave
Discord ID: 315243386229489665
5. cyka blyat
cunt is the best cuss word
so many applications so powerful so poetic
its not a cussword its a conjunction
soft cunt is a cuss word
as is seppo cunt
dumb cunt
stupid cunt
dumb and stupid are not cuss words
sick cunt is a compliment
fat cunt
mad cunt is also a compliment
sick cunt is probably the highest compliment you can be paid by a Strayan
if you're called a sick cunt you're doing something right
when i was 18 i liked zyzz and would write s i c k c u n t on my knuckles before deadlifting lmao2plaet
but i chose ascetics
aesthetics is 4 fagz
are you a serbian australian manwhore
he's armenian cunt
they're like 10 miles apart
I love Aussie bantz. "Yeah well Seppo cunt I guess." like that's the pinnacle of their evolution
wtf he isn't armenian
that's like mincing between conneticut and maryland
yet his name is extremely close to mine
nah his last name is my middle name without the ian
which doxes me but idgaf
find me if u can cunt
I want to photograph the physical version of the stupid 3D models i used to spam this discord with
ian being the Armenian equiv of son of means that I'm fucking shocked he wasn't Armenian
My son just told me anger makes you strong, kindness let's ppl take things from you. Mfw should I sleep with one eye open?
>tfw machine shop open six hours at a time and i need to make 6 different parts
tell him that kindness let's people take things from other people if you play your cards right