Message from @ziyauren

Discord ID: 553292294099435540

2019-03-07 18:57:45 UTC  

evolution/nature is a bitch

2019-03-07 18:58:18 UTC  

@ziyauren It is what it is

2019-03-07 19:02:05 UTC  

if what some ppl is true that grey aliens are us from the future, that would explain the changes. Woman get less and less important in developing new humans. and this then causes our skin to change because new humans get produced in a artificial womb. Reason they have big eyes is because the artificial wombs are see-through and this causes the pupils and eyes to change in development.

2019-03-07 19:02:32 UTC  

got beef?

2019-03-07 19:02:44 UTC  

srry just thought off this and this convo trigged it:p just started smoking so that maybe is also a factor?:p

2019-03-07 19:03:02 UTC  

Could be

2019-03-07 19:03:21 UTC  

i know right seems rlly plausible

2019-03-07 19:03:57 UTC  

@shadow007 Time travel is not very likely though

2019-03-07 19:04:14 UTC  

Who say's that is time travel?

2019-03-07 19:04:17 UTC  

if the the photon flux is like a river w/time n space stamps as some say then we will eventually b the masters of time/space travel... the basic physics for it r already there....

2019-03-07 19:04:36 UTC  

@ziyauren you get it 😛

2019-03-07 19:04:57 UTC  

and @Baron Doom what is time?

2019-03-07 19:05:06 UTC  

past present future?

2019-03-07 19:05:10 UTC  

they already have 'tported' molecules into space based on those physics

2019-03-07 19:05:21 UTC  

Man I didnt know people my age actually say "lit" or "bruh"

2019-03-07 19:05:22 UTC  

@ziyauren Where are the tourists then?

2019-03-07 19:05:33 UTC  

Jesus this age is weird

2019-03-07 19:05:44 UTC  

College am I right?

2019-03-07 19:05:45 UTC  

Yeah, we all are

2019-03-07 19:05:55 UTC  

Who cares?

2019-03-07 19:06:02 UTC  

@Baron Doom no idea.... ask Fermi... he's the one created the

2019-03-07 19:06:25 UTC  

@Baron Doom the tourist are alrdy here i t think.

2019-03-07 19:06:37 UTC  

how much time of a day do you spend indoors?

2019-03-07 19:06:50 UTC  

@ziyauren True, might be a bit difficult though

2019-03-07 19:07:07 UTC  

Then stop smoking so you can think straight

2019-03-07 19:07:21 UTC  

Let the crack pipe grow cold for a bit

2019-03-07 19:07:45 UTC  

@shadow007 A lot of time, no time travel backwards in time though

2019-03-07 19:07:52 UTC  

@CappyK lol thinking straight? when do you ever think straight,:p

2019-03-07 19:08:54 UTC  

@Baron Doom how do you know? who knows maybe ppl go back to midivel times

2019-03-07 19:08:59 UTC  

u would have to get the time/stamp from the present so u could only travel bak to a place/time u had the data for....

2019-03-07 19:09:57 UTC  

@shadow007 Am I going to be blamed for something that happened in midevil time? 😉

2019-03-07 19:10:15 UTC  

ya bc you did it

2019-03-07 19:11:00 UTC  

@Baron Doom YES:p hahahaha no man just saying, you could basically go anywhere. Why do we asume there would be 'rules'. if you can 'time' travel that means there is no time

2019-03-07 19:11:21 UTC  

could put a whole new spin on history/religion/revelation

2019-03-07 19:11:30 UTC  

and everything is happening all at once; past present and future

2019-03-07 19:11:45 UTC  

When not high

2019-03-07 19:12:01 UTC  

Stop the weed for 6 months, you will be amazed

2019-03-07 19:12:19 UTC  

@shadow007 True, I get your point. I get blamed for enough in the present, no need to take blame for things that happened before I was born 😉

2019-03-07 19:12:36 UTC  

how is everyone doing this fine evening

2019-03-07 19:12:44 UTC  

@Baron Doom so says ever white guy in sa

2019-03-07 19:12:53 UTC  

Well every non self hating