Discord ID: 369741346103230464

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Hello gentlemen and ladies

I know that but what I don't understand is why you said that.

Oh you just mean women in general?

Well allow me to start over, Hello gentlemen!

I'm not a lady

But how are you all today?

That's not am anime girl

"How lovely" is a qoute that a game character says

He says it as it shoots

He goes "1! 2! 3! 4!!!"

His name starts with a J


Who changed my name

I thought trolling was not allowed here

Like no thots

I'm not trolling

Yeah I read the rules

His name is Jhin

Yes I do

I'd rather not

I suppose I have to now that the leader says it


Tf y'all doing

Turn that shit down

Don't be a hypocrite

You just did it

Hold on

If I was a woman

Would you really have kicked me out?

Goddamn that's crazy

But I can understand

Vagene scares you all?

I see

Then why don't you welcome it Loli?

Not true

I'm responding to revel


Honestly been sometime since I've noticed being fucked with online

Now I can see why y'all thought I was a girl lol

Damn whew


Why would a woman be allowed in a Mgtow server?

That I honestly don't understand

Albus by any chance

Is that dog names Nasus

He looks like it

Albus answer the question


During those ten minutes I looked at the rules then just played a game

Wait then when I said jhin

No one said anything about ut

Do you not know who jhin is?

He's far from a hero but yes

Damn I level up fast


How deep of a furry are u

You aren't the dress up type are you

Ok ok

Yes u

Why would it be me

He doesn't know me

Has anyone ever been banned before here?

I'm asking a honest question

How do you get banned from a simple community

I'm number 2300 <:pika:532090098578227200>

Oh I thought u meant

What is tfms

Oh no

I mean

Is the owner of this discord active? Or rather regularly active?

Is he the type that just checks in says hi then leaves

I got a recommendation from Reddit

From a Mgtow channel

I said I was eager to learn more

He was the first among some to be mentioned

Ik that

I can't find it

Holy shit he's playing tekken 7!?

I heard it's okay at best. Though the newb functions piss people off.

@Sparky I love how you asked that question lol

Oh my why'd I check out <#488450067951517696> ๐Ÿ˜‚

Naw I'm cool with it

Wait I won't discuss that here lol

Hey since I see that some of you guys like anime there is a bot that allows you to participate in a game where you can claim certain "waifus" but it's sadly randomized.

But in a way that makes it more fun

I'm not sure what bot does it though

I think it's Mudae

`okay then`

It's very fun

You can even trade them too if you'd like

For better or more desired ones.

Plus you can request the ones you want, but when your offline you'll be notified of when your waifu pops up but be careful cause someone else may claim her before you!

So what's the general age here?

18+ right?

I'm just asking a simple question is all

Though I'm not sure how someone aged 13 to 15 can be mgtow

I'd say more like 17+

Wait there are `incel` here?

I never met one before

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