Message from @Valet the Clown

Discord ID: 476580733629104130

2018-07-03 01:09:20 UTC  

The guy who made the video, qu qu, was in the call. No mention

2018-07-03 01:10:08 UTC  

He knew about it as soon as it happened, but neither distanced himself from the event nor exposed the supposed wrongdoings for two months.

2018-07-03 01:31:33 UTC  

Honestly dude, I'm going to kidnap Sargon bc I could bring a thousand links and you would tell me "WeLl It cOUlD bE CoPy & pAsTe" coming from as you said a guy who was in the call and Is telling you right now what hapened but bc you didn't listen anything about it then it comes into question what he has to say.

2018-07-03 01:42:17 UTC  

it is allegations. there's a reason why eye witness testimony is considered one of the least reliable forms of evidence. it's a good thing then that you don't have to go to the thing we might not know happened to make your case. you can point directly to the Candid stuff. so you can't prove that Sargon wasn't trustworthy about his maneuvering in 2015. who cares? you can prove that he was patently untrustworthy with Candid. I am trying to help your case against Sargon here.

2018-07-03 01:44:48 UTC  

when you are accusing somebody of being untrustworthy, it doesn't behoove you to present heresay as evidence in an untrustworthy manner. I'm just presenting to you any of the arguments that someone who is interested in defending Sargon would give you. the SPJ stuff is only enough in my opinion to convince someone who already doesn't like him. the Candid stuff however, irrefutable.

2018-07-03 01:53:57 UTC  

I gave you evidence and you dissmiss it (archive link) I gave you testimony (the video) fuck off with "make my case"

2018-07-03 02:11:32 UTC  

the archive link of the pastebin only gives a transcript of the DM exchange (at no point during that exchange does the subject of Shadow of Mordor come up) after which we get the same old assertion from Qu Qu. it is not in and of itself any more compelling evidence than his assertion he made during the live stream. could it have happened? sure. but absent any verifiable information on it or just going of of the same assertions from Qu Qu and his posse (who could have any number of ulterior motives), I see no reason to treat it as a point of fact and neither will any fan of Sargon's. I'm just not convinced that Qu Qu and his friend would have been the only ones to speak out and that they would have waited as long as they did while pretending in the intervening 2 months that everything with SPJ was fine. you do not have to, nor should you, use the SPJ story to make your case that Sargon is untrustworthy. it will be dismissed not only by his supporters, but even a few people who don't care one way or the other. it's nowhere near as strong as the Candid stuff.

2018-07-03 02:13:56 UTC  

the problem with the SPJ thing is that the only way to verify it would be to have audio of the Skype call. I realize that's probably impossible, but it's the only thing that changes it from an interesting theory into reality.

2018-07-03 03:05:22 UTC  

You can always Google search it

2018-07-03 03:40:18 UTC  

you can't find the audio through google, and the only guy who seems to be talking about it is Qu Qu. the only thing you can find through google is his accusations, not any proof. if you don't think i tried, then you're wrong

2018-08-02 09:27:05 UTC  

Who is Qanon?

2018-08-02 15:37:27 UTC  

Modernity was a mistake.

2018-08-02 18:40:12 UTC  

Dose any channel on YouTube still do bloodsports?

2018-08-02 20:45:55 UTC  

I thought Tonka was still doing it

2018-08-03 17:14:16 UTC  

Who is Qanon?

2018-08-03 17:22:30 UTC  

I am

2018-08-03 17:46:57 UTC  

What did you do that everyone calls you a Boomer?

2018-08-03 18:18:59 UTC  

Q anon is just trump shit posting on chan

2018-08-06 16:36:03 UTC  

Centrists should be left to their own means, at the end of the day they are dead weight to the right.

2018-08-08 02:41:41 UTC  

I saw a tweet in <#392499032414486529> talking about how a lot of MLK rethoric is sound yet in today's world is right wing.

2018-08-08 02:42:36 UTC  

It should be the other way around how being right wing should be sound.

2018-08-08 02:44:09 UTC  

This framing does nothing but give the left legitimacy as "sound" and "right wing" are framed as being opposites

2018-08-08 02:44:59 UTC  

In the tweet

2018-08-08 03:09:59 UTC  

I think the implication is that MLK isn't seen typically as a right wing figure and that it's an example of how radically the overton window has shifted since his time.

2018-08-08 03:10:23 UTC  

The guy seems to agree with the sentiments King presents

2018-08-08 04:53:13 UTC  

MLK is not right wing

2018-08-08 04:53:54 UTC  

He will never be right wing

2018-08-08 05:00:17 UTC  

And the more we try to co opt people who were never in agreement with the right makes us look pathetic.

2018-08-08 05:31:32 UTC  

It's true MLK was not right-wing, but the Overton window has shifted dramatically in the last 50 years.

2018-08-08 06:03:37 UTC  

agreed mlk was a commie whore hound ....the cia did the right thing at the end of the of the day

2018-08-08 16:07:51 UTC  

CIA couldn't have done it because the assassination was a success

2018-08-08 16:08:13 UTC  


2018-08-08 19:41:01 UTC  

But in all seriousness, like Kennedy, the best possible thing to have happened to King's reputation was him getting shot. I have a feeling that if he lived long enough, he would have tried to work more of his socialist ideas into his public speeches. That would have alienated untold numbers of Americans. As it stands, you can't disagree with anything the man says if you don't make it very clear that you're sorry he was shot without a ton of hate coming your way.

2018-08-09 05:03:51 UTC  

If he had lived, he would have become another Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton.

2018-08-26 06:59:30 UTC  

Man the fbi sucks

2018-09-19 06:44:38 UTC  

@MerricBrady fuck you nigger bwoi

2018-10-05 21:28:06 UTC  

Why do we have Slavs in the server?

2018-10-05 21:38:57 UTC  

slavs are ok as long as they're not muslim rape babies from the balkans

2018-10-05 23:32:40 UTC  

@mcduck no their filthy mutt genetics disqualifies them from even being human

2018-10-05 23:33:46 UTC  

@Thomas O'Malley just saw your last video btw good stuff