Discord ID: 515545616571695125

2018-11-22 00:50:55 UTC  


2018-11-22 00:50:57 UTC  


2018-11-22 00:50:59 UTC  


2018-11-22 01:19:20 UTC  

the virgin dog mom < the chad plant parent LE KEK

2018-11-22 01:40:40 UTC  

world toilet day

2018-11-22 01:40:45 UTC  

i don't even know

2018-11-22 01:41:48 UTC  

P O O P E R P O W E R 2 0 2 0

2018-11-22 20:25:41 UTC  

death is a social construct

2018-11-22 20:25:44 UTC  

corpses are people

2018-11-22 20:28:40 UTC  

medical science is patriarchal white supremacy

2018-11-22 20:29:31 UTC  

which colonized indigenous ways knowing that corpses were people

2018-11-22 20:30:07 UTC  

necrophilia is love

2018-11-22 20:32:07 UTC  

we'll be holding classes in your local library for the kids

2018-11-22 20:32:17 UTC  

teachers are encouraged to affirm all corpse love

2018-11-22 20:33:41 UTC  

and get child protective services involved if students report parents who are concerned about "risks"

2018-11-22 22:39:23 UTC

2018-11-22 22:40:34 UTC

2018-11-23 15:08:07 UTC  

kurt eichenwald’s favorite dish

2018-11-23 15:13:29 UTC  

kurt eichenwald is a autistic fuck wod 10/10 would not gas just have him do a daily show and have a live audience toss rotten fruit at him

2018-11-23 15:14:13 UTC  

it would be called" boo the jew "

2018-11-23 15:44:34 UTC  

a hedgehog getting his shopping done early

2018-11-23 15:46:09 UTC  

shartin' in the martin'

2018-11-23 15:47:01 UTC

2018-11-24 00:10:46 UTC  

The final solution to the FQ is in sight.

2018-11-24 03:16:01 UTC

2018-11-24 03:16:06 UTC  

>when that one player is turtleing on an island so you sneak a priest on their island to attack them from the inside by converting their troops but they kill him

2018-11-24 03:16:06 UTC

2018-11-24 03:32:42 UTC  

they actually have every right to attack outsiders

2018-11-24 03:33:22 UTC  

the reason why they’re so hostile is because a weird british dude was obsessed with them and was making the men in the tribe pose in homo erotic positions for pictures

2018-11-24 03:33:55 UTC  

later, they hid from him but he still stole the children and old people and they died from disease

2018-11-24 04:53:55 UTC  

It’s interesting to see all of the leftists come out and say, “They’re a sovereign nation! They have every right to protect and control their borders! REEEEE!”

2018-11-24 05:25:39 UTC  

funnily enough, they’re fighting against the very thing leftists are for

2018-11-24 05:25:55 UTC  

just sheer degeneracy

2018-11-24 05:40:19 UTC  


2018-11-25 22:29:06 UTC  

Didn't they get the house back?

2018-11-25 23:31:28 UTC  
