Message from @Extra Crispy
Discord ID: 283850676344193025
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@Dangerlurking what are you refering to
@Extra Crispy The event meeting on the poster
It was posted on pol today anyway fam
Didn't see it then.
That tagline for MSNBC threw me off for a seconds
Do you guys agree with everything he says or do you have issues with some of his positions?
>Calls apartheid bad
I like most of what he says but don't like a few policies
@Extra Crispy Jesus christ what the fuck is that
Is this a photo of a schizophrenic person in the middle of a mental break down?
Lobsters are unreliable as a weapon
Use snapping turtles
Gtg, c ya
G night
So much cleaning to do when i get home
reminder kosovo is serbia
>Thinkiing this beast is bad