Message from @Andy
Discord ID: 283944952210259968
@Extra Crispy Jesus christ what the fuck is that
absolute cancer
Is this a photo of a schizophrenic person in the middle of a mental break down?
Lobsters are unreliable as a weapon
Use snapping turtles
Gtg, c ya
G night
So much cleaning to do when i get home
reminder kosovo is serbia
>mfw I realize that iw was my leftist old friend who posted poke porn at me, who ruined the site. Over to get Revenge at me and spread his ideolgies
My blood is boiling Lads
>having leftist friends
I used too
This fucker was the last one I got ridden of
I just want to get rid of these poepl
Or something
Is that what happened? I totally missed the show
Those images should be reversed in their heirarchy
Most real pinosnek (HAH!) Should have the best elaboration
I lost all my friends this election
95% of them are lefties
I have no friends.
there is only the trench
The children will always rebel.
"hard right"
Highly doubt it, most of them will grow up to be "edgy" right wing libertarians