Message from @Ulstèr-Scotch
Discord ID: 277932269619118082
Someone offensive to faces 😉
Someone who has a fetish for facials
Not to sound like an agent provocateur but I want to beat the shit out of an Antifa
Using a baton in some states is a feloney. Omg
I really want them to try some shit in N
they may
NJ doens't jhave ccw
I've had it up to here with their spam on /pol/
I bet theres Antifa in this group 100%
Watching us
you should have only invited people you could verify through their twitter accounts
you had an open invite, well done
Is anyone here a mod/admin? I desperately want to find a core group for a British anticom
Even if antifags are here, what can they do?
@Ulstèr-Scotch WHAT DO THEY MEAN!?
antifags will just fuck shit up, spam derail and concern troll
Who cares if there's antifa in here, there's /pol/acks and probably anticom in antifa as well
one sec I'll summon the NatSoc but to play anti-jew music
MONARCH if you knew Northern Ireland was in Britian then you'll know there's British Anti-Com 😉
I'm guessing Pepe can deal with them if they try to fuck shit up
@Ulstèr-Scotch What colors are your insignia, I forgot to ask you
Or moonman
@Anticom LR espionage against espionage, typical
Gadsgen Yellow, Black
Red Hand of Ulster
90% of Antif members are in high school or college
They are uneducated
There brainwashed
@Ulstèr-Scotch but I want a more centralised group, or perhaps just an English group. I want to be out there helping the public
This is the blind reality