Message from @FastJack
Discord ID: 501134828469485589
I wonder if it’s just to get media to back Mattis. Like with Sessions
I think it's to foggy it up. He just got sent Ricin the "other day"
So file it under necessary disinfo
Bahahahah, Tom Fitton has evidence that Hillary's Email Server was hacked by Russians
fucking classic
I bet if anyone did any research or dug into the background of this “racist woman” you would find a hardcore leftist who did an acting job...
Saw this today in NJ — crook for Congress!
I miss mum season and the changing leaves lol
done gathering clips for the show
Any one dug into or know about these guys ??
Interesting poll results above given they are mostly left leaning sources. After the Trump elecion, I'm not sure how American's can take any poll seriously
The window above, it is in my relatives home and is about 130 years old
whole vid
Tried to stomch the 60 Minutes intvw with Trump. Just another hit job
I'm going to leave this discord group. I don't appreciate the rude treatment!
<@210505752308219905> This is a christian server we aren't rude.
Grow a spine