Message from @Dangerlurking
Discord ID: 287642458890829834
>tfw current pope is a cuck
>nuke current pope
>blame it on isis
>get uncucked pope next
>new crusade that has popular backing aswell
Literally can't go wrong
How do you guys feel about Bishop Williamson?
he looks grandpaey cuddly and isnt a cuck
The place I'm at has unforgiveably terrible connection. Can't find shit on periscope or FB live
>yfw king nig nog goes to jail next year
Trump is reigning in the Federal Government's power, congress is standing up for itself
Based man.
We might finally see our government following the constitution again.
Best timeline
I think that from now one, I'll only post /ag/ threads on the weekends.
That way we don't come across as spammy and/or shills.
Sounds like a good idea
There's like 10 America in DC kek
tbh I'm pretty confident about our size by 2019
That's when Antifa will inevitably hit its peak again as well.
I hope that antifa falls apart at some point but it is unlikely for now.
That is unless somebody like trump or pence designates it as a terror group and members are arrested.
And someone from my twitter feed who I don't follow ironically just retweeted a post that was dumber than the tweets from the accounts I follow ironically or which are satire/trolling.
like every single thing they listed for humans is a disorder.
Looks like you need to follow new people
jfc it's almost like they evolved entirely differently than us
I followed him because he did stuff with mine craft modding back when I did too. I kepr following him because I don't want to go into an echo chamber
saying humans can be trans because fish are trans is like saying humans can breathe underwater and fish can walk
Also saying that because all these disabilities can make you have traits of the other gender, trans is ok, isn't exactly a very strong argument for trans
If birds can fly then so can I
actually better
If sneks can throw communists out of helicopters with impunity, so can I.
well that's true
maybe the trans argument holds water