Message from @Roxgor

Discord ID: 533754147778854932

2019-01-12 21:04:52 UTC  

all are the saem

2019-01-12 21:04:53 UTC  


2019-01-12 21:05:04 UTC  

they are only as good as you allow them to be

2019-01-12 21:05:13 UTC  

as bad*

2019-01-12 21:05:22 UTC  

the nicer you are, the worse they get

2019-01-12 21:05:24 UTC  

that's axiomatic

2019-01-12 21:05:27 UTC  

@GingerSnaps the fact is when you engage in cohabitation or marriage you are pledging to keep her happy forever regardless if how her "feelings" change and you stand to have your wallet pulled through your ass at her slightest whim

2019-01-12 21:06:24 UTC  

it came to a point where

2019-01-12 21:06:34 UTC  

i came back from a vipassana retreat (a meditation seminar)

2019-01-12 21:06:38 UTC  

i came back traumatized essentially

2019-01-12 21:06:49 UTC  

i was good, nice, giving her massages and shit

2019-01-12 21:06:54 UTC  

she told me i was ungrateful and selfish

2019-01-12 21:06:58 UTC  

fucking all women are the same

2019-01-12 21:07:09 UTC  

ungrateful T H O T S

2019-01-12 21:08:00 UTC  

@GingerSnaps it's like I have friends I consider to be brothers and im closer with than my family members but if you told me if we had a serious argument dude could cut 3 of my fingers off if I disagree I'm steering clear of their ass, that's way too much risk

2019-01-12 21:08:04 UTC  

as much as i despise PUA

2019-01-12 21:08:09 UTC  

some things they say do work

2019-01-12 21:08:16 UTC  

only if you're semi-attractive to begin with though

2019-01-12 21:08:19 UTC  

you can't be a nice guy

2019-01-12 21:08:20 UTC  


2019-01-12 21:08:25 UTC  

not even genuinely nice

2019-01-12 21:08:32 UTC  

it just reeks of weakness

2019-01-12 21:08:38 UTC  

@Reaper I'll agree with your first statement, but i'm not sure i understand the second.

2019-01-12 21:10:17 UTC  

@GingerSnaps the point is people change, if your girl can wake up any day and ruin your life the fact she is the perfect spouse TODAY holds less weight, you don't know what will happen in her life or how it will effect her, the only guarantee is if ANYTHING goes wrong, you are fucked

2019-01-12 21:10:37 UTC  


2019-01-12 21:10:41 UTC  

that's why i expect nothing

2019-01-12 21:10:43 UTC  

absolutely nothing

2019-01-12 21:11:04 UTC  

@GingerSnaps every divorced man thought his ex wife was the one. Let that sink in. AWALT.

2019-01-12 21:11:20 UTC  

@Prinz Eugen every last one of them

2019-01-12 21:12:04 UTC  

yeah hahaha I remember I was about to propose to my ex XD then she broke up

2019-01-12 21:12:24 UTC  

got a nice car out of the money I had saved up for rings though

2019-01-12 21:12:55 UTC  

Some had pre nups some did not, some had big veiny cock some had small, some were alpha some were beta, the one thing they all had in common... she changed her mind

2019-01-12 21:13:08 UTC  


2019-01-12 21:13:31 UTC  

you can do and have it all and still get fucked and your heart ripped out through your throat by some chick that just felt like it

2019-01-12 21:13:48 UTC  


2019-01-12 21:14:07 UTC  

Damn I don accidently left the server while I was cleaning up the long servers I joined.

2019-01-12 21:14:21 UTC  

jeff bezos lost his wife. you think ur safe?

2019-01-12 21:14:32 UTC  

@Iheanacho you had meme underling right?

2019-01-12 21:14:58 UTC  

your set

2019-01-12 21:15:03 UTC  


2019-01-12 21:15:06 UTC  
