Message from @The woken child
Discord ID: 534965514813046789
Does not compute
you must have potato pc like me then
Just compute ***h a r d e r***
Nah. Mine is a legit gaming laptop
If i wanted to look up How much the percentage of the fathers in Europe or In America are not the fathers to their children... Where Would I look it up?
That took some work 🤦
Where did the trump pepe go ??
I dont think google will give me valid information.
Its gone
Even on duck duck go?
Does anyone have a Source I can go to?
My only suggestion is try an internet search.
I am looking for it but I cant find it.
THe stats may not have even been recorded to be posted online
I keep hearing it from Mgtow Sydney and others likeTFM... that 80% of the fathers in Europe are biologically not the father.
Ask tfm then?
I cant find the Sources.
Join his server and post a banana question or wait for him to be in voice chat?
You could also try calling into the hotline during one of his streams
Doesn't that cost money?
They could just be talking out their asses. I mean they are human after all with human flaws.
You have to level up now to call in
What level?
I doubt it. It's a normal phone number. I don't know though cause i haven't tried
Its free but he put a new form of screening in to make for a better show
I still recommend to join the server
I havnt heard them claim 80% before that's absurdly high
It says hes on right now
@Whats gay anymore Hey do you play world of light in smash? I heard you say you play it.
Yeah I've got some of the way through it
He just posted in chat 5min ago
Have you made it to alph yet? I'm having a hell of a time beating him and i can't find any pointers or tips online, just people recordings of them facing off against him.
Yeah alph is a fucking hellscape nightmare
Just try to rush him off the stage then edge guard him or gimp him
Alright i'll work on my edge guarding i guess. What do you mean by gimp him? How?
Gimp is killing them at low %
Basically just bully them off map force them to not reach the stage