Message from @Tee CA
Discord ID: 282796087763271680
Playing **CNN’s Don Lemon Abruptly Ends Segment After Panelist’s ‘Fake News’ Complaints** by **YouHotNews** (*252704* views) [2 Minutes and 53 Seconds]
Enqueued **CNN’s Don Lemon Abruptly Ends Segment After Panelist’s ‘Fake News’ Complaints** by **YouHotNews** (*252704* views) [2 Minutes and 53 Seconds] currently 0
@Burnside, Disconnecting from voice chat and unbinding from text chat.
Autist girl pms CC discord owner
HWNDU is back?
I thought it ended.
they brought it back at another museum
Isn't is basically a 24/7 stream of people screeching "HE WILL NOT DEVIDE US" while people from /pol/ join in later?
@Dangerlurking Nu-Mexico, someone will probably die this time
Shia labeouf get's skinned alive?
That or someone will pull out a gun. Their laws are pretty lax on carrying iirc.
Plus whole different ball game with the demographics. Chicano pride and such
I thought about posting thist
God save us
Im muted
h @scsf
I am new
lurk moar
do i need to be verified or something
just lurk
i just want to beat the shit out of commiefaggots
@scsf we're in the argument voice channel
if you wanted to join
(((all these coincidences)))