Message from @shadowlessnexus
Discord ID: 541401458919211012
You ever see the video of joe rogan and elon musk talking about we live inside a simulation
Makes yah think lol
what he didnt expect was that instinct. we all have it
hortan hears a who ?
theres a difference between instinct and being on the plantation.
i see it much more like when you eat
yeah ik - still surprised by how attached he is to the doll
you can of course overindulge in anything. thats not a problem exclusive to this
its human nature.
i wouldnt know as i dont fuck a doll
i want to
to mate guard and get attached. your going to do it anyway with a thot. this alternative is like 50x safer. and you get all the benefits still
yeah totally
its up to you to have moderation in everything. and the dolls dont present a unique problem in this regard
When a. Woman lays like a dead fish its no different from a sex doll 😂
he wont get an STI or divorce raped or anything - and he acc cares about it somewhat - it's better in eveey way
shadow how r u finding getting back into the gym
I mean I have nothing against. Even if I create an artificial plantation for myself it would a million times better than the other lternative
@empiru anyway the rage stage for me was.... different
it took a few years
How much money you all think you spent over the years trying to get laid and getting laid
it wasnt really "rage"
Ball park figure
only spent money on cabs - so like 30 quid
Me? At least 1000+ Euros this year
250k at least
does PUA stuff count?
like none. because im not looking
yes it does
250k - what is ur job
probably like $100 aud all up
Over the years
but anyway yea lol. spend money gambling for sex or just secure unlimited sex
Dont get a small doll just save for a real one
what is a 'small doll'?
@Happy Humble Hermit your opinion is noted