Message from @Yowilkat

Discord ID: 541521598314840064

2019-02-03 07:26:09 UTC  

they have tfm hasnt responded

2019-02-03 07:26:14 UTC  

Checking out Kevin Logan's Channel. He went after turd flinging monkey as his 12th video on that same series. Even if he had gotten better at it (and it's hard to believe that he has, as awful as the latest video is), you don't go after TFM that early on and think you'll make any points...

2019-02-03 07:26:17 UTC  

its just ddj flailing to sell snake oil

2019-02-03 07:26:32 UTC  

I don't think I've seen HHH do a video response to an anti mgtow vid before.

2019-02-03 07:26:39 UTC  

He said TFM made defamatory statements about Plummer which could have legal consequences

2019-02-03 07:26:54 UTC  

i just hope TFM ignores it and moves on

2019-02-03 07:27:11 UTC  

Whos what? Lmao

2019-02-03 07:27:20 UTC  

Whats a ddj and a tfm?

2019-02-03 07:27:35 UTC  

*is super sketch about this guy*

2019-02-03 07:27:53 UTC  

must really suck to be a youtube name and constantly keep up the dignified image of it

2019-02-03 07:28:05 UTC  


2019-02-03 07:28:18 UTC  

It must a struggle to maintain the dignity of the name Turd Flinging Monkey.

2019-02-03 07:29:00 UTC  

yeah no i don't think kevin logan is w orth dignifying a response to @Happy Humble Hermit

2019-02-03 07:29:12 UTC  

it must be, man. doing the slightest fucking can ruin the fuck out of rep

2019-02-03 07:29:26 UTC  


2019-02-03 07:29:45 UTC  

the kevin logan video is every generic anti mgtow argument youve ever heard

2019-02-03 07:31:33 UTC  

Yeah, I noticed.

2019-02-03 07:31:39 UTC  

cant even simp right smh

2019-02-03 07:31:51 UTC  

He blew his load in the first 2 minutes and is just pushing rope for 20 more.

2019-02-03 07:32:22 UTC  

....fuck it, if the skull ain't within axe throwing distance its not worth it on this shit

2019-02-03 07:33:30 UTC  

So apparently Kevin Logan was on the server for quite a while before you banned him @shadowlessnexus

2019-02-03 07:33:35 UTC  

Bit of a cluster fuck going on in that chat hermit, aside from technical difficulties.

2019-02-03 07:33:36 UTC  

yea idc

2019-02-03 07:33:45 UTC  


2019-02-03 07:33:46 UTC  

hope he got everything he needed outta it

2019-02-03 07:33:54 UTC  

speak of the devil

2019-02-03 07:33:56 UTC  

He put up some bullshit Clips on his video

2019-02-03 07:34:07 UTC  

dumb fat bitch's be skulkin

2019-02-03 07:34:19 UTC  

Dude Looks like the only testosterone he gets his from his boyfriend

2019-02-03 07:34:22 UTC  

He's not signed in.

2019-02-03 07:34:30 UTC  

He can't dark theme.

2019-02-03 07:34:47 UTC  

No Dark theme? Heresy!!!

2019-02-03 07:35:07 UTC  

Can't dark theme without being signed in.

2019-02-03 07:35:10 UTC  

this is the first im even hearing of youtube dark theme <:why:480186116222353410>

2019-02-03 07:35:15 UTC  


2019-02-03 07:35:18 UTC  

What kind of pleb...

2019-02-03 07:35:30 UTC  

Wait there's a YouTube Dark theme? I thought you were talking about Discord

2019-02-03 07:35:31 UTC  

Sign in to youtube, click your profile, turn on dark theme.

2019-02-03 07:35:33 UTC  

It's beautiful.

2019-02-03 07:35:58 UTC  

thanks Yowilkat, i thought my favourite food was green crayon for a second

2019-02-03 07:36:12 UTC  
