Message from @SFM_2046
Discord ID: 542503006197907467
@batshadow <:pika:532090098578227200>
Now everyone ping hermit
@batshadow <:youwotm8:524083191833952257>
I don't wanna
The final solution
finished my science paper
feels fucking weird to have filed my taxes and done a school paper on the same day
Oh, right. I need to file my taxes.
Maybe tomorrow. Imma sleep now.
I'll do my shit in april...I just had to fookin drop a g in repairs to my whip
dude I know
my dad is self employed and winter kills his work
fuckin sucks
I need to move but.....I hate the other places...maybe biased....ion know
@SFM_2046 I feel you brother. I've travelled a bit, still, there is no place like home.
get in where you fit in I guess
Although, perhaps I am too much of a farmer in my heart. Son of a gun...
Well, I'll see soon enough, I'm to travel in a few months, to a few places I have never really been.
I don't know, sometimes i want to be one of the greatests dj's on earth, and sometimes i want to live far away from people, by a lake.
I don't know what's better...
What's up guys, its scarce
Chances are that you'll be driven out of your lake property by the growing population and taxman anyway.
@frugalcasper ain't that the truth
@Kaiser Dion Napoleon sup , people going to sleep n shit
If you really want to be alone, find somewhere people don't want to be and learn to like it.
I never really leave work lol