Message from @Playergamer
Discord ID: 288383748800643072
why does the govt think if you make more money you automatically have more to give away
Why should you get more money taken away from the you the harder you work
i mean you do but you shouldnt be forced to
money is the reward for innovation hard work and organization
Catholics are cucked so badly by their own leader
to take away the reward for that is to say its not valuable to have those traits
Almost all confessions of christianity are cucked
New pope when
Truth, but Catholicism has a primary figurehead to lead the cucks to a cuck religion of gun control and refugees
when you kil him
We need another pope Urban ll
Catholic = numale until they depose their leader
till then there is literally no difference
We need crusade to Berlin
As a cat a holic
this is comfy
The pope is a kike
so was torquemada.. but he did some good
> you people
literally the ONLY thing that Catholicism seems to be against is traps
its a very very small start, but i guess 1/100 is still a point
@Verm once used "you people" while talking to a group of blacks at my school
what's the phrase about being comfortable around africans?
Catholicism is very broad, plenty of conservative people
Just wait until we have a pope from opus dei
Do they reject the pope openly or are they "moderate dindunufin" like Muslims?
never lounge about melanoids
I will believe it after a new schism
seriously though, what's wrong with black people
i mean I just said "you people" as in, referring to a group, and they freaked out
genetic propensity to violence
genetic propensity to unorganized violence
Here's a redpill for you.
yeah i've read that