Message from @Cordy The Robot
Discord ID: 525952262305087491
This is a WIP remix, it may sound out of rythm but that's how the original sounded. So i decided to give it a cyberspace feeling to it
I like it.
You're welcome.
Hey so was I just free to post my latest stuff here?
You can certainly try
then that is what I'll do
Not being a dick I just don't know lol
Looks sick. General rule for all channels is just no spam
and sure
holy ***shit***
those look amazing
Thanks man! 😄
Nice new Cyberspace track i made
1 second in and I was hyped
Nice 8bit/modern song
Was actually going more for a 16 bit/modern style. But hey. You were close enough.
8bit is like those low quality beeps and boops from NES days
Yeah. Like this one here (which is the original by the way).
This one is 8 bit.
Keep it coming fren
Eh it was just the lead i thought of
Actually..... yeah. The lead actually *is* somewhat 8 bit.
So hey. You were right after all.
Aight the last stage of Megatron 2 before the final boss
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That's alotta stars
5 Stars
A five out of?