Message from @shadowlessnexus
Discord ID: 519380364012158993
Ya welcome gents :3
That one's a repost. But it's been a while.
So meh
Sorry m8
Like I said. Happens. There's alot of people on here.
Fine. I will be sure to have higher quality. This is what its all about
I am sorry sir but that simply isn't dank
Dank is weed memes right?
hmm. i dont get this one
also gross.
delet now?
its perfect for shitposting tho xD
Lol what?
its money
Man I wish are world was like the ninja world.
The leaf village has no gender wars or politics.
Am allowed to do dark memes here?
not too dark
if its too dark ill remove
but dont worry its not like ill just ban you
Oh okay
Damn... I have alot of dark memes.