Message from @Sam Amari

Discord ID: 495694774280519681

2018-09-29 20:22:46 UTC  

@ZODD Yeah, it was bad during days 2-4 and I caved. I am going to be fasting again starting this upcoming wed. It will be intense on Friday but it will allow me to hide from the world saturday and sunday - just read/sleep/feel shitty but then Monday I should be as good as new.

2018-09-29 20:23:04 UTC  

Well Don't Tell me about it

2018-09-29 20:23:07 UTC  

I don't know if the Kavanaugh topic is off limits but this shit is going to have long, long implications. im watching people go to war verbally and physically over this shit

2018-09-29 20:23:09 UTC  

@EmptyEagle yeah... I am saving 75% right now but if I moved out it would be 65-60%.

2018-09-29 20:23:21 UTC  

People who Give away their plans don't Follow Through.

2018-09-29 20:23:22 UTC  

@machtyn however, I would also make some pranks

2018-09-29 20:23:32 UTC  

@Sam Amari Yeah... same dude.

2018-09-29 20:23:40 UTC  

its why Failed at your FAST, its Why you Failed at Moving out.

2018-09-29 20:24:15 UTC  

@machtyn Yea, that a lot dude, your fine. I would do it.

2018-09-29 20:24:15 UTC  

@ZODD Wow... that's actually a really good concept. Can you elaborate on that some more. I think it's counter intuitive but by saying I will do something... I feel like I made progress. Something like that?

2018-09-29 20:24:42 UTC  

@ZODD Well, I haven't failed at moving out yet. I have until January to move out before a lease will have to be signed.

2018-09-29 20:24:43 UTC  

Yeah, ill make a Video on it for you @machtyn . or Maybe i wont.

2018-09-29 20:24:55 UTC  

Oh you don't have to make a whole video.

2018-09-29 20:25:06 UTC  

So instead of goals... show progress?

2018-09-29 20:25:58 UTC  

NO, KEEP YOUR GOALS INTERCONNECTED TO YOURSELF. YOU HAVE TO COMMUNICATE TO YOURSELF. theres no need to tell anyone what your doing, just do it. and the People around you will see the Results.

2018-09-29 20:26:02 UTC  

@Sam Amari You can discuss it more if you'd like.

2018-09-29 20:26:28 UTC  

@ZODD Ah... but what about getting advice on HOW/WHAT to do? is that ok? THEN once a plan is made.. execute and ghost?

2018-09-29 20:28:38 UTC  

You take information, apply it, and see where it goes.
Unless your MAKING A PROMISE to SOMEONE. theres no obligation to disregard anything you say.

2018-09-29 20:28:51 UTC  

you Keep your Goals to yourself.

2018-09-29 20:33:42 UTC  

tbh im surprised there as little Kavanaugh talk in here as ive seen. this is going to IMPACT US ALL FOR YEARS

2018-09-29 20:34:03 UTC  

this is a lot bigger than anything ive seen related to MGTOW in mainstream news, perhaps ever

2018-09-29 20:34:50 UTC  

people are having what seems like irreparable disagreements with their parents, spouses, girlfriends, friends, co-workers over this shit.

2018-09-29 20:37:52 UTC  

so many liberals are just savaging him because he cried and was angry. crying and being angry? ANYONE would cry and be angry in that position. As if no liberal has ever been angry and sad when being accused of such heinous crimes. i cant believe how many people believe this woman. NONE of her friends that she called as witnesses were able to recall the event. liberal are putting huge stock into POLYGRAPH TESTS, something that has been proven to be complete bullshit for decades. this shit is going to draw a HUGE line in the sand, and many of us will permanently lose best friends, family members, and perhaps livelihoods over this shit if we are vocal about it. Sometimes I think it's best to just play my hand close to my chest, not ever let anyone irl know how i feel about it. but it can become utterly exhausting to when everyone feels 100% bold about pointing the finger at a "straight white male" as a horrible violent rapist when there is just simply no evidence

2018-09-29 20:38:16 UTC  

any of us, and i mean any of us in this chat room can have this happen to us. i have had it happen to myself on a small scale. false accusations will be the destruction of the west.

2018-09-29 20:39:46 UTC  

@ZODD I like that idea!

2018-09-29 20:42:23 UTC  

@Sam Amari I 100% agree. I dealt with this multiple times this week. I simply acted like I didn't know much about it and had others feed me their bias about it. Surprisingly, the most liberal coworkers (self proclaimed marxists) said "why isn't there a police report and why isn't this a criminal prosecution?" Now, they were doing it to completely destroy this man's life but they touched on an important aspect and I ran with that to make it look like I agreed with them on it. It's honestly hard to ghost in plain sight sometimes, especially working in technology.

2018-09-29 20:43:44 UTC  

@Sam Amari The one coworker is a 20 year old white kid constantly joking about planning the white genocide. The kid is a total piece of shit and I seriously want to knock some sense into him but I won't do shit about it because I value my job.

2018-09-29 20:45:53 UTC  

like a self hating white kid?

2018-09-29 20:46:30 UTC  

Yes, like a pure mangina.

2018-09-29 20:46:37 UTC  

Everything about him annoys me.

2018-09-29 20:48:44 UTC  

yeah man this is why im contemplating this shit.

2018-09-29 20:49:19 UTC  

i dont know if i can really respect/be around people who literally think this shit. like this is one of my former best friends exact words on this subject:

As a white male I have taken every privilege I have for granted. The levels of privilege we have are astounding. Kavanaugh can tell blatant lies (devil's triangle is a drinking game, Brett?), yell, cry, cut off the senators interviewing him, refuse to answer questions and he is called credible.

Ford was calm, collected, respectful and answered every question she was asked to the best of her abilities, but the Senate is going ahead with a vote in less than a week.

We have fucked up. We need to do better than this."

2018-09-29 20:49:19 UTC  

Yeah, it's fucked.

2018-09-29 20:49:35 UTC  

Like, I think it's literally DANGEROUS for me to associate with someone like that at this point.

2018-09-29 20:49:43 UTC  

And he used to be just so fucking different man.

2018-09-29 20:49:53 UTC  


2018-09-29 20:50:06 UTC  

It's sad but sadly, you can't "convert" people.

2018-09-29 20:50:17 UTC  

Simply let them run their course. Focus on your locus of control.

2018-09-29 20:50:46 UTC  

people need human interaction

2018-09-29 20:50:58 UTC  

it is a basic need. this is backed by science.

2018-09-29 20:51:14 UTC  

Yeah, for sure.