Message from @Dick Masterson

Discord ID: 496013039141912608

2018-09-30 17:21:58 UTC  


2018-09-30 17:22:14 UTC  

anything you don't know that you want to know about?

2018-09-30 17:22:38 UTC  

Do you live in America dick

2018-09-30 17:24:45 UTC  


2018-09-30 17:25:33 UTC  

Okay then I want to ask you how the fuck did it get to the point where people are making up millions of genders

2018-09-30 17:31:13 UTC  

Is it attention is it the feeling of being unique or what is it

2018-09-30 17:31:59 UTC  

Guys I had basic question. How come women never wanna pay for anything, reciprocate on financial things, etc? Is it they don't like to spend their own money?

2018-09-30 17:33:21 UTC  

@metan I can give you an answer but I don't know if there is only one answer anyway I think that they think that nobody deserves their money but them

2018-09-30 17:33:47 UTC  

@Dick Masterson how about... The clash of civilizations?

2018-09-30 17:34:19 UTC  

@Kazemaru can you explain what is The Clash of civilizations

2018-09-30 17:34:58 UTC  

@Dick Masterson ty can you elaborate please. Very interesting and sad.

2018-09-30 17:35:23 UTC  

In 1993 a reasearcher called Samuel P. Huttington published a paper about it

2018-09-30 17:36:01 UTC  

He defined a civilization as the maximum degree that a population can related to

2018-09-30 17:36:02 UTC  

@Dick Masterson don't they understand if they stay so greedy nobody will be generous to them if they don't reciprocate. Lol

2018-09-30 17:36:47 UTC  

And based on that, he classified 8 major civilizations in our world

2018-09-30 17:37:37 UTC  

women dont want to take responsibility for things in general. its their biological imperitive to be taken care of not to take care of someone else financial or resource wise. this is good in general. because women should pick
the men with the most resources. because that means their children will survive. but nowadays its a problem for men it is anyway. because we dont really need to gather resources anymore. not like back then. yet women still have the demand of resources. which means uncontrolled that they will only go for rich chads

2018-09-30 17:37:44 UTC  

Western, Latin america, African, Muslim, Eslave, Chinese, Indian and Japanese

2018-09-30 17:38:10 UTC  

we had a good thing going on in like the 50

2018-09-30 17:38:17 UTC  


2018-09-30 17:38:43 UTC  

because womens hypergamy was controlled and thus it was easy for men to find someone. nowadays its completely untamed and free to ruin society

2018-09-30 17:38:44 UTC  

@metan well there is one more reason which is that they their parents teach them they deserve almost everything in the world they are teached that they are princesses but when they grow up they feel like a goddess

2018-09-30 17:39:03 UTC  

I'm going to post the article

2018-09-30 17:39:23 UTC  

@Dick Masterson thats a part of it yes. there is no more raising women to be humble. so that hypergamy is not controlled. it is free to demand only brad pitt and nobody below that level

2018-09-30 17:39:40 UTC  

thats as much a cultural problem as it is a political one

2018-09-30 17:40:03 UTC  

@shadowlessnexus actually naturally a woman has four main basic jobs the first one is giving birth the second one is taking care of the newborn the third one is taken care of the husband and the 4th one is taking care of the house she lives in

2018-09-30 17:40:35 UTC  

@Dick Masterson yea i agree. thats about right.

2018-09-30 17:42:00 UTC  

@shadowlessnexus the man's natural job is being a provider he's supposed to provide guidance,resources and discipline when needed

2018-09-30 17:42:12 UTC  

yes i also agree with that

2018-09-30 17:42:53 UTC  

what im saying is that society and modern culture has destoyed that dynamic. its no longer needed because men collectively now pay for women. women dont have to do any work at all

2018-09-30 17:43:04 UTC  

they still get free welfare just cause

2018-09-30 17:43:34 UTC  

and the middle class and the richer class have to pay for it as a group. instead of as individuals with specific women they mate with

2018-09-30 17:43:36 UTC  

@shadowlessnexus we have lost our ways a long time ago and we have damaged the family picture to were it's impossible to fix

2018-09-30 17:44:09 UTC  

@shadowlessnexus I too agree with you

2018-09-30 17:44:40 UTC  

women did that. when they got the right to vote and destroyed it themselves. men started it though. the simps who wanted their dicks wet and so gave women the ability to destroy the social contract between men and women through the government

2018-09-30 17:48:37 UTC  

Our biggest failure yet is is the you can fuck anybody you want anytime you want thing were a men can fuck a thousand chicks in his lifetime and a woman can fuck a thousand men in her lifetime and afterward they are both supposed to be in a strong relationship but of course that doesn't work sex is supposed to be sacred and the big part of a strong relationship

2018-09-30 17:49:35 UTC  

@shadowlessnexus men are supposed to be the guides in life and women are supposed to be the followers in life but they totally destroyed that Concept

2018-09-30 17:50:20 UTC  

men are naturally designed to be able to have harems. a man can impregnante multiple women at once. women can only have one man at a time at least. thats why women in a good society are strict about who they mate with. because they are the gatekeepers. men arent the problem in terms of sex. women are they are the ones having the kids

2018-09-30 17:50:45 UTC  

they need to be the ones who demand commitment for sex

2018-09-30 17:51:07 UTC  

but they don't. because they think they can just be men. they want to be like men

2018-09-30 17:51:58 UTC  

and they want men to collectively pay for their kids that have no father

2018-09-30 17:53:24 UTC  

@shadowlessnexus this is a very unpopular opinion but if we can do this even if it doesn't sound right but if we can do this it's going to be awesome we can at least get a bit of control over these crazy ass bitches okay here is what if women when they got married they become the property of the husband so whatever he says she has to do or she can be penalized by the government if she doesn't do what he wants