Message from @Shriddes

Discord ID: 531943855180873740

2019-01-07 20:57:25 UTC  

know the feel bro

2019-01-07 20:57:47 UTC  

hey is that the one and only youtuber?

2019-01-07 20:58:07 UTC  

aight im off to school, and yet the teacher already has a substitute because she can't be bothered to show up but she demands we do with the threat of attendance points. whatever, i'll text you guys in a bit when i get there if the class isn't in a basement with no connection

2019-01-07 20:58:47 UTC  

responsibilites imarite?

2019-01-07 20:59:12 UTC  

nah man - with the right kind of responsibilites your doors open to a lot of thing

2019-01-07 20:59:16 UTC  


2019-01-07 21:00:11 UTC  

with great power comes great responsibilites - stan lee - but did you know you can change that backwards too? with great responsibilites comes great power

2019-01-07 21:00:40 UTC  

I do believe that is stan lee I don't remember

2019-01-07 21:00:49 UTC  

I'm a kite

2019-01-07 21:02:11 UTC  

I can't read manga for shit right now - but can somewhat type

2019-01-07 21:10:19 UTC  

so many college MGTOWs

2019-01-07 21:10:32 UTC  

the boondocks nigga moments so fucking brilliant

2019-01-07 21:11:27 UTC  

@The Pathfinder Ω you adapt or perish

2019-01-07 21:11:43 UTC  

Shriddes contracted the big gay

2019-01-07 21:11:44 UTC  

Many choose the latter.

2019-01-07 21:12:59 UTC  

gay means happy in old english

2019-01-07 21:13:13 UTC  

I would say I'm content and not happy

2019-01-07 21:14:17 UTC  

@ToastMcGhost when did you get mod?

2019-01-07 21:14:37 UTC  

Before you were a twinkle in your daddy's eye

2019-01-07 21:14:49 UTC  

so before discord existed

2019-01-07 21:14:58 UTC  

you are a god damn wizard arry

2019-01-07 21:15:19 UTC  

Too tru

2019-01-07 21:16:31 UTC  

I wonder how much humanity would had advanced if feminism never existed?

2019-01-07 21:18:52 UTC  


2019-01-07 21:19:49 UTC  


2019-01-07 21:28:07 UTC  

Is this an actual Mgtow server or a meme

2019-01-07 21:28:23 UTC  

It's a legit server owned by a legit content creator

2019-01-07 21:28:27 UTC  

The chat however...

2019-01-07 21:29:29 UTC  

I’m just reading through the channel and there is a lot disrespect

2019-01-07 21:29:37 UTC  

Towards other men

2019-01-07 21:30:04 UTC  

Clarify, like roasts or straight up disrespect?

2019-01-07 21:30:13 UTC  

Both lol

2019-01-07 21:30:23 UTC  

We meme on each other a lot but we potato people who are legit harassing

2019-01-07 21:30:31 UTC  

One dude came over to another Mgtow server I’m on and said you guys were shit testing him

2019-01-07 21:30:38 UTC  

Either way, we're not a "go get em girl (man)" collective like feminism

2019-01-07 21:31:05 UTC  

A lot of guys come in and act like huge MRAs

2019-01-07 21:31:15 UTC  

And simps

2019-01-07 21:31:25 UTC  

Yeah we get a lot of that too

2019-01-07 21:31:48 UTC  

We have a low tolerance for that unfortunately for them

2019-01-07 21:31:56 UTC  

But if you wanna talk about literally anything else

2019-01-07 21:32:17 UTC  

Yeah I fucking rage a blue pillers coming into Mgtow servers