Message from @Shriddes
Discord ID: 531940295152107540
afternoon gents
hello you
you most be in the more west than me
Y'all here about that thot who took her top off on twitch stream
which one xD
there are so many thots there
It ended in onomomom don't remember the beginning
you should change you hand to is typing
weird thing to say hand to is typing
@Shriddes I should I don't remember my password and at the time I was going to I was too lazy
know the feel bro
hey is that the one and only youtuber?
aight im off to school, and yet the teacher already has a substitute because she can't be bothered to show up but she demands we do with the threat of attendance points. whatever, i'll text you guys in a bit when i get there if the class isn't in a basement with no connection
responsibilites imarite?
nah man - with the right kind of responsibilites your doors open to a lot of thing
with great power comes great responsibilites - stan lee - but did you know you can change that backwards too? with great responsibilites comes great power
I do believe that is stan lee I don't remember
I can't read manga for shit right now - but can somewhat type
so many college MGTOWs
the boondocks nigga moments so fucking brilliant
@The Pathfinder Ω you adapt or perish
Shriddes contracted the big gay
Many choose the latter.
gay means happy in old english
I would say I'm content and not happy
@ToastMcGhost when did you get mod?
Before you were a twinkle in your daddy's eye
so before discord existed
you are a god damn wizard arry
Too tru
I wonder how much humanity would had advanced if feminism never existed?
Is this an actual Mgtow server or a meme
It's a legit server owned by a legit content creator
The chat however...
I’m just reading through the channel and there is a lot disrespect