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I feel like there is an explanation to this "Keep your insect porn to yourself" on the rules page xD

even HHH dolls moves on these days

2019-01-07 11:18:09 UTC [Hermit Hangout #questionsโ“]  

as long as it doesn't have a breath function you should be safe to assume that it's not a thot

I know I'm new but can I have acces to write on the memes channel?

ok m8

have a nice sleep

bundle of sticks said what?


why can't I post pictures ;D

Was gonna post an edited version of "everyday we stray further from god" that said "everyday we come closer to RULE 34

I'm still new cunt so that is understandable

uncles are the best along with fathers

I feel bad on your behalf


I'm not even surprised at this point

the world has gotten more fucked up since the old days


redpills saves lives m8

> 3x college... explains alot

many people aren't ready for kids still they go through thinking other people ( the state ) will take care of their spawns

first wave feminism was a mistake humanity inflected on it's self

red pilled men makes the best activites

When did society forget how to raise boys anyway? anyone got a specific year of decade in mind?

>empowering boys


it probably have killed more people than cancer so I would say it's worse than cancer

cancer is easier to treat too

how the wheels of history is insidieous

well the way they sells communism to dipshits is flawed too >get free stuff >no need to work

how can you get stuff if they aren't anyone working to make them?

fuck soys

how come most japanese don't have man tits I wonder

also alot of the japanese got MGTOWed before mgtow was coined

I personally like their brand of racism

"you stay there" "we stay here"


if the food products resembles hormones enough the brain will intrepret them as hormones

not in denmark they love quality in their foods

if the amount is big enough over longer period of time it will take effect

I don't understand why my handle is so difficult to read everyone adds the extra l it's amusing I don't understand xD

@Reaper imagine the kids with psycho vegan parents

@Reaper the darwin approach I guess

do you have man tits?

I think you are fine

also some people are more affected by confused hormone production than others - genes, exposure, time of exposure through life - everyone is different

but I'm pretty sure you are ok Space shield

relatively sure - everything is relative - you do got the insect fetish xD

don't worry we all got some weird fetishses xD

I hear some sickos don't like feet

the chuckles are real m8s

what the hell kind of perv are you Jive

gay in old english means happy - was the faggots of old times red pills?

> is attracted to girls- what are you gay?


There is a local madman in my town - rambles inchorently - weird to see actually

@Reaper well bitches be crazy

@Whats gay anymore I believe it's wasn't meant to make sense... just enjoy the rides

close to 8bn wasn't it?


omg read that - my sides dead

badum tsi

well it was enjoyable cya later

what do I have in common with a kite right now?


it makes mad people more prominent

all the rest is fine

overall you get more prominent personally if you are in that kinda group not just mad people

I believe firmly in self inprovement and I set it in pracise too

I know I didn't spell that right

@Luciano70p you can't only supress it you can get rid of it entirely

what is blackpill?

ahhh you are teenager

angsty little shit ๐Ÿ˜„

yea he needs the blackpill hard

@Luciano70p you need both you can't be sheltered and plushed all live buddy

listen to the high guy I speak tru tru

imaginary joint bro I can't do that - roll your own

working out is great

@Luciano70p find a place where you don't get distracted by idiots while training

@Luciano70p better yet buy your own equitment

@hel not really a meditation type more like deep ( maybe shallow ) thinker while looking at scenary

@Luciano70p only in very few species there is actually a very diverse survival tactics in nature - depends if you are a lone hunter a group hunter or a gatherer type animal or just bottom feeding kind of animal etc etc.

I agree with hel people will tell you to fuck off from time to time for your own good - you are man you can actually alot more than you think

fuck off

you little pansy


his anal is gaping wide boys

you too faggot

I speak a mighty tru tru

it's different from time to time simps have bad outcomes

@Luciano70p ohhhhhhhhhhh you are big boy soon can I pince your cheeks?

not butt cheeks you faggots xD

I like you no homo xD

a hole is a hole and a dick can be washed - old danish saying

@Whats gay anymore they used to be - but there are so many of them have been bluepilled

it can go both ways you can turn a blue pill into a red and vice versa - I guess it's all about spine

@haku. when a nice gets treated badly I guess


hey the young one just spoke - or is he just paroting instead of thinking for him self?

nah you are just being an edge lord

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