Message from @Zorost
Discord ID: 337727740151201802
What the heck
Daily reminder the Trump curse is real
lol is that a lesbeaner
why are hispanics so fucking gay?
lmao one of the officers in my unit is working at out farm over summer since hes in law school
Child molestation is big in mexican culture
I told him I expect this exchange to happen when I am at the farm with business partners
all the spics at my college act really camp and most are literal faggots
Age of consent is TWELVE in Mexico
what the fuck
p sure most of the open homos ive ever known are spics
all nonwhites harbor homosexual desires, few know this
blacks have a weird thing with homosexuality dont they?
downlow brothas
dont act tough I got bruddas dat blow
niggas can fap
theyre just gay
theres no reason behind it other than that
lol the jews at patreon shut down lauren southern
this will probably not end well for them
how will it be different than anyone else they shut down?
srs question
she's hot, unless they anglin her she'll get her shekels, and it will red pill her more
she's already on boats telling naggers to fuck off back to africa
i say that all the time
but the truth is shes not hot shes obese i read it on the stormer
its funny every time
i mean yeah, she has no man to cook for so i can only assume she's eating all of it herself
idk if this is popular show and im lttp but the most recent episode is good
y u hang chads
what is the deal w/ anglin calling southern fat? can't figure out his angle
see my name for a hint