Message from @Moosey
Discord ID: 337749518999355394
Qawee was what he shouted as he jumped in the water
Abdul was the sort of glugging noise he made as he was drowning
Muhammad was the guy who will welcome him to hell
@skooks think I am doing hard shift to bourbon scotch and wine only
never cut out on tequila
That's what I did lol I only drink the whiskey from a nearby distillery now
Second nigger rapefugee to drown in the US in less than a week
I used to get trashed on bourbon and fight/bully people in bars in college lmao #chadnationalism
Good fuck refugees
ree stop putting niggers in idaho mr trump
more need to go swimming they need gov swimming programs
fuck niggers I hate them
they stink
who cares about them
literally nothing of value was lost
literally like why waste energy hating them
the Somalia cop shit pisses me off tho
I just think it's funny. Niggers can't swim
niggers are the only race that stink immediately, even indians would probably stay clean for fifteen minutes but they just don't shower
subjectively speaking just seeing someone getting shot like that I would be doing magazine dumps into windows of the vehicle
X30000 if it was my waifu
Any beer you drink you are drinking liquid estrogen
shiett I drink shit piles of beer
It is funny. You don't have to be of low IQ to find it funny.
does rubbing alcohol have estrogen?
yet still have urge to fap like X4 times a day
if I dont drink beer I worry about a rage
@NuckFigures im saying they are of low iq not u m8
Oh my bad
❤ sorry for confusion
that was on me
Sometimes it's hard to read context
I think it's the hops that are the estrogen in beer, not the alcohol
I could be wrong tho
yeah hops
If you gonna drink do hard liquor or wine
im not giving up drinking I do enjoy I fine scotch and bourbon