Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 494933462088810502
Ive dated like 2
And I didn't like it
the first two are the worst
because you dont know how to date
They were both girls also
guy dating is hard
since your both guys
it can easily just become sex
and then you feel a little empty
guys can be dif than girls
Guy dating is bad
i wouldn't say that
guy dating has its pros and cons
I just want to be a housewife ;_;
Homosexuality is fine in the context of Platonic relationships, but actual same-sex acts are materialistic and lead to a fall from grace.
I guess so
thats lije
it's just a possibility thats more likely than in hetero relationships
its not some rule or guarantee
@Deleted User so snuggles are fine?
The word “uranism,” which some use to mean homosexuality, springs from Plato’s distinction between Aphrodite Urania and Aphrodite Pandemia; Aphrodite Urania is the goddess of a noble love which is not carnal and unconcerned with procreaticn, as is the love which has woman as its object.
>women being objects is a bad thing
We can then assume homosexuality to conform to these carnal conditions or to correspond to ordinary sexual relations between man and woman, then we may well describe it as a deviation, not from a conventional or ethical point of view, but precisely from the stand-point of the metaphysics of sex.
if your going to use root words as an argument
@Deleted User cuddle okay
So bassicly sex-havers are bad
Basically, what I'm saying is, homosexuality is fine in the context of platonic relationships, but when homosexuality becomes widely accepted, if often stops being platonic. In a civilization where equality is the standard, where differences are not linked, where promiscuity is in favour, in a splintered and materialistic society, the phenomenon of regression and homosexuality are particularly welcome, and therefore it is in no way a surprise to see the alarming increase in homosexuality in the democratic period. @Deleted User
I don't get it.
That would count as part of the joke
What joke?
@Deleted User have you ever been in a homosexual relationship
how many?
One guy. It has literally been my only serious relationship.