Message from @Poppin'
Discord ID: 339145769007448065
he doesn't even follow back I think I'm getting cucked
whats his twitter
i cant remember if i follow him or not
i cant even remember if im following you
lol I was shoahed over the weekend back now
lol I don't use the app
Hunter Wallace is doing some intense black pilling on twitter
he does that pretty often
I must not have noticed it's been so bad I considered unfollowing
@Poppin' - can't say I've seen you around before. If you're new, welcome!
I am and thank you @MsNatSocialist
you'll never find jared poppin
Where'd they steal you from?
why do you do this nanners
the one
Ah yes, I know the one you speak of.
Well, get comfy - because you won't be able to leave.
Power levels in this chat are phenomenal and beyond what you might even imagine.
And if you see @badtanman - he's a great goy, but tricky as hell.
Speaking of the devil
badtan couldn't hurt a flower
i have hurt flowers
sounds good
is that sum bana inmybed
No clue @northern_confederate - I'm sick in my bed. So I'm trying to get better.
the new FTN was pretty good
have to say
me too
FTN is good, TYH is on par.
Aww being sick sucks
Her house needs to be cleaner, background is dirty af
what's wrong with her legs