Message from @MsNatSocialist
Discord ID: 339148152173232130
sounds good
is that sum bana inmybed
No clue @northern_confederate - I'm sick in my bed. So I'm trying to get better.
the new FTN was pretty good
have to say
me too
FTN is good, TYH is on par.
Aww being sick sucks
Her house needs to be cleaner, background is dirty af
what's wrong with her legs
its just a blanket and some toys for the dog
its not that dirty
Her top upper lip... why is it like that?
why is your [redacted] like that
redacted isnt lewd btw im just being nice
is this your new gf
Badtanman you're like CNN, I'm not sure if anything you say is true. But you make it sound good in a cringy way
if there was a mute button irl maybe
wow lewd
thanks @northern_confederate was making some propaganda art
@queenarchitect how you been?
Are those your brows? You look like you're gonna take off and fly to "go fuck yourself"!
i'm good, i'm studying and modeling a hotel right now
oh nice
glad you recovered from the seizure
i was worried
Ohhh what kind of hotel @queenarchitect ?
i'm gonna discuss tentacle porn with my cats later for confed to walk in on and i'll post a photo to twitter of it
Hahaha! Oh my.
Sounds great! How tall will it be?
you were only browsing it to prove to Mittens that it existed
lol no eeyore
actually that doxxes me more than you