Message from @bocchi just wants friends

Discord ID: 667284232204320788

2020-01-16 00:32:24 UTC  

It took me a while to red pill that hard but honestly, just look: this is what it is. When you are arguing with what you call "The Left' (or "The Right" even) you are arguing with a phantasm created for you by the media. We have to break out of gov't controllec corporate media.

2020-01-16 00:32:38 UTC  


2020-01-16 00:33:06 UTC  

Figuring out that we're all being propagandized is step #1.

2020-01-16 02:43:42 UTC  

Behold, the new 007

2020-01-16 04:09:06 UTC  

So far as the James Bond Cinematic universe (as opposed to the novels) 'James Bond' is a code name that is passed from agent to agent. This explains why Bond from *Dr. No* in the 60s can be the hero of *Goldeneye* in '95. Because there's not going to be a septuagenarian action hero.

So Idres Elba who is a brit, which fucks me up because he did a good job as Stringer Bell in *The Wire* could be an appropriate Bond. I cannot see a woman playing as Bond because the character is too masculine.

2020-01-16 04:11:12 UTC  

A female Bond would be retarded though. I don't think a healthy 20 YO woman could be as virile or convincing as an aged Sean Connery.

2020-01-16 04:17:12 UTC  

Bond is intended with an inherent campiness that Lampoon's the stereotypes. Gender swapping kills the satire. Which is the bedrock they need to pull off the story

2020-01-16 04:22:34 UTC  

In the Flemming novels he is pretty cold-blooded. Almost a murderer except that he mostly kills communists who are by definition not human.

2020-01-16 04:24:53 UTC  

Okay, I'm admittedly not a big bond fan. So the campiness might just be a films thing. But it's still very much needs bond to be a man

2020-01-16 04:26:56 UTC  

"So Idres Elba who is a brit"

2020-01-16 04:26:58 UTC  

looks african to me

2020-01-16 04:29:18 UTC  

Sure in either version a female Bond would not make sense. Just that in Fleming's novels Bond was a specific individual while in the movies most consider it a position held by different individuals.....

2020-01-16 07:56:34 UTC  

@Goddess Tyche zoroastrian I am indeed

2020-01-16 08:01:21 UTC  

@bocchi just wants friends Then why are you on Discord instead of taking Iran back from the mudslimes?

2020-01-16 08:04:09 UTC  

if you're zoroastrian why are you on discord instead of fucking your sister

2020-01-16 08:29:18 UTC  

Trying to find your mom's contact @Death in June

2020-01-16 08:29:40 UTC  

@Goddess Tyche we're doing that I was just at a protest

2020-01-16 08:30:55 UTC  

May you succeed in your undertaking.
No be kill, pls.

2020-01-16 08:32:40 UTC  

That will happen islam in iran is in real danger I read a report about iran being the biggest growing church in the world and our masque attendance being lower than UK muslims beside that kurds in iraqi Kurdistan are also returning to the old religion

2020-01-16 09:56:35 UTC  

U.K. muslims are all in the pub!

2020-01-16 09:56:41 UTC  


2020-01-16 14:03:54 UTC  

The only reason 007 was made into several individuals rather than one in the movies is because they had to hire a new actor every so often, so to not confuse people they just went with the multiple Bonds thing. But outside of the limitation of acting material it's a stupid idea to have multiple Bonds.

2020-01-16 14:05:35 UTC  

It'd basically mean that being 007 coincides with being super charismatic, having or adopting the exact same taste, being polyamoric, etc. etc. All the exact same traits for every single individual, it's nonsense.

2020-01-16 14:07:05 UTC  

In my head canon it used to be that all 007's are the same person, simple enough. But then they hired Daniel Craig and shattered the illusion by styling him so differently.

2020-01-16 14:07:35 UTC  

That's why I don't consider him to actually be 007.

2020-01-16 14:07:45 UTC  

He's an imposter, only carrying the name for commercial sake.

2020-01-16 14:07:56 UTC  

That's a fourth-wall interpretation obviously.

2020-01-16 14:08:39 UTC  

But the butchering of source material for commercial gain has been what I think is bad practice within Hollywood for a long time.

2020-01-16 14:09:17 UTC  

Many angry writers have spoken up about it but we rarely hear of that because their reach is small compared to Hollywood.

2020-01-16 14:10:20 UTC  

In other words, if people only get angry if or when 007 becomes a woman, and didn't get angry about Caniel Craig's casting, then I consider them a little hypocritical tbh.

2020-01-16 14:10:47 UTC  

Although it may not be his casting that's the issue, they could've styled him properly.

2020-01-16 14:11:10 UTC  

They went with the excuse that they had to adapt him to modern day demands, to which I say: stop lying please?

2020-01-16 14:13:01 UTC  

Anyone who's really into James Bond and has a fundamental understanding of the concept of individual identity should, in my opinion, reject the Daniel Craig films and consider them non-canon.

2020-01-16 14:13:34 UTC  

Because films are like magic tricks, they're illusions, they play tricks on the mind. They're *supposed* to do that.

2020-01-16 14:13:56 UTC  

And when the illusion is broken, then the spell is broken, and the audience is left feeling empty.

2020-01-16 14:15:24 UTC  

That's why - and I'm sidetracking a bit - I can't enjoy the second Deadpool movie. I consider it a parody of itself, instead of a parody of other superhero tropes.