Message from @RexOfVicis

Discord ID: 672535513319866388

2020-01-29 08:45:57 UTC  

Culture >>>>> politics >> shit culture

2020-01-29 09:38:28 UTC  

they affect each other though generally i think culture is more downstream of power than the other way around

2020-01-29 09:39:25 UTC  

technology affects military organization which affects the political and economic structure which produces a few viable ways of organizing such a things and the way in which they are organized impacts culture

2020-01-29 13:41:10 UTC  

If anyone speaks spanish ... this guy makes a comparison about what has transpired in Chile last few months and what Veritas unveiled about Bernie campaign

2020-01-29 17:22:44 UTC  

Plan of the century...
Well, they've refused deals that were much more generous than this...

2020-01-29 18:11:31 UTC  

LOL ... "that tunnel you mentioned, how many tons of TNT do you think one could put inside it?..... asking for a friend"

2020-01-29 21:51:14 UTC  

btw what the fuck is happening in Russia

2020-01-29 22:08:53 UTC  


2020-01-29 22:09:12 UTC  

if I wanted to put on my tin-foiled hat for a bit....

2020-01-29 22:09:29 UTC  

what if China's trying to get important people from neighboring countries KILLED....

2020-01-29 22:09:41 UTC  

but inviting them to China, as 2019-nCoV is going on?

2020-01-29 22:09:45 UTC  


2020-01-29 22:24:05 UTC  

i meant about the Whole government Shutdown thing

2020-01-30 01:08:09 UTC  

I bet they more wish to maintain the appearance that all is well

2020-01-31 01:53:03 UTC Oh this is just amazing. How wrong can you be?

2020-01-31 05:52:10 UTC  

I wonder what the Story Writers of Star Trek Picard want to tell us. Women appear to be in most all positions of power and Star Fleet has become isolationist under their watch.

Is there a message here?

2020-01-31 08:17:49 UTC  

@Omsomething Yes. The message is that humanity has an inclination towards totalitarianism, and women—being generally less rational and intelligent than men—are philosophically and politically ill equipped to fight against their own subconscious drive towards chaos and the devouring mother.

STP is so woke that it went full circle and is actually extremely redpilled.

Women are so equal much more equal than men that they’re unequal and ultimately inferior.

Based and redpilled af.


2020-01-31 08:18:24 UTC  

_nod nod_

2020-01-31 08:18:39 UTC  

Stunning and Brave from them really.

2020-01-31 08:23:01 UTC  

But *seriously* though...... I knew STP was going to be trash the second I heard that it was mentioned with the context of Trump and Brexit. The Federation becoming isolationist is an absolute fucking joke. That’s the complete antithesis of what the Federation stands for.

STP, just like the last Woke Trek series, the Jar Jar Abrams Gender Wars trilogy, and Ghostbusters 2016, is just another thing on the long list of things that Progressivism Poisoned (Went Woke, Got Broke) and that all non-SJW fans of whatever series or franchise or movie or tv show that got ruined, will spend the rest of their lives pretending never happened and doesn’t exist.

2020-01-31 08:23:44 UTC  

It’s sad. But it must be done. We must ignore the woke shit and act like it never happened

2020-01-31 08:23:54 UTC  

To be honest STP has many more redeeming qualities and likes to shove things down more gentle and with a bit more class.

2020-01-31 08:24:36 UTC  

Picard’s a weak cuckboi tho

2020-01-31 08:24:55 UTC  

It’s a disgrace, honestly

2020-01-31 08:27:05 UTC  

It’s better than Discovery...........but that’s like saying that eating a turd with candy sprinkles is better than eating a turd with lemon peepee sauce.

Technically yes.

Realistically no.

2020-01-31 08:28:07 UTC  

There is much to be said with his Inability to leverage resources. I am quite certain he could with one call get Klingon warship full of eager warrior whelps eager to take part of the last hurrah of Picard for example.

2020-01-31 08:28:51 UTC  

Show somehow does not seem to get how many secrets, allies, enemies and resources he would have to reach into.

2020-01-31 08:31:37 UTC  

Also Star Fleet refusing to give minor resources to someone who is this high up in the totem pole? Star Fleet security would have conniptions if he was to leave with inadequate resources and get captured by some enemy.

2020-01-31 12:21:49 UTC  

@Gaylien fuck these chink chode sucking traitors

2020-01-31 12:22:36 UTC