Message from @Brue

Discord ID: 650720552742551563

2019-12-01 06:09:59 UTC  

yes, I'm listening to that now

2019-12-01 06:10:12 UTC  

the first link, already listened to the second

2019-12-01 06:12:28 UTC  

a hack to overcome embed shittiness:
set to share the video at a 0:01 timestamp

2019-12-01 07:17:07 UTC  

its a sort of camp, where homeless people will be concentrated, like a, concentration camp

2019-12-01 10:18:01 UTC  

Everyone also forgets woodrow wilson stuck germans in camps during WW1

2019-12-01 10:22:48 UTC  

There have been a few bad right wing admins in the past, nixon and bush jr being the biggest ones, but most of the utter shitbags we've had in the presidency were lefties or would have been lefties by today's standards

2019-12-01 14:02:31 UTC  

Seriously now, what do you do with homeless people? Some percentage can be helped sure. Some have just fallen on hard times and don't have the resources necessary to dig themselves out of a hole. But a very large fraction have severe mental problems and/or chronic drug problems. Someone with severe schizophrenia or someone who has caused themselves long term psychological damage due to a hard drug addition is not someone who can really be integrated into civil society.

2019-12-01 14:03:29 UTC  

You can't take some crack smoking schizo who spends his days standing on a street corner shadowboxing with aliens and god, and magically reform him into an accountant or an electrician.

2019-12-01 14:04:20 UTC  

Maybe you can successfully help half of the chronically homeless. Maybe. What do you do with the other half?

2019-12-01 14:07:34 UTC  

Use them for organ harvesting

2019-12-01 14:07:37 UTC  

Stem cells

2019-12-01 14:07:43 UTC  


2019-12-01 14:07:55 UTC  

Clearing mine fields/IED's

2019-12-01 14:09:50 UTC  

You're admitting you don't have an answer.

2019-12-01 14:25:22 UTC  

The majority of those who cannot reform, as stated, are Mentally Ill. Were it the 40s or 50s, these individuals would be institutionalized. However, since that apparently "Isn't nice and doesn't take their feelings into account" we are no longer able to detain these people; even put them in Jail for Violent Offenses

2019-12-01 14:26:13 UTC  

Sorry, but Mentally Ill homeless people shoving each other in front of Trains and Buses, Stabbing Each Other over food, and Shitting on the Street "Isn't very Nice"

2019-12-01 14:26:53 UTC  

I think institutions should be reopened; but not Govt run

2019-12-01 14:59:09 UTC  

I think people know the answer to helping the other half of the homeless, but it's just not on moral ground

2019-12-01 15:31:09 UTC  

im actually with @Omar_The_OMAP , get these people out of society

2019-12-01 15:32:51 UTC  

If someone consistently demonstrates that they are unable to function in society, action must be taken

2019-12-01 15:33:53 UTC  

"This guy murdered someone over sneakers and has committed various Thefts and Assaults; sounds like a perfect candidate for this recidivism program"

2019-12-01 15:34:03 UTC  

i was going to say something along the lines that it will actually cost more to put them into these facilities, but then i remembered that cali is probably pay much more right now in terms of policing, welfare handouts, ect to them on the streets of LA and San Fran

2019-12-01 15:34:19 UTC  

Recidivism works, but only if someone is willing to work with it

2019-12-01 15:34:34 UTC  

@Gaylien what the holy fuck

2019-12-01 15:34:40 UTC  

No Joe 🤣

2019-12-01 15:34:58 UTC  

Is he trying to be unelectable?

2019-12-01 15:35:09 UTC  

"speaking to a black audience" the mad lad

2019-12-01 15:35:25 UTC  

Someone needs to put that man in a home

2019-12-01 15:35:47 UTC  

in one of those new cali ones for the mentally dificient

2019-12-01 15:35:48 UTC  


2019-12-01 15:36:17 UTC  

How long before he slips and says "The Word"

2019-12-01 15:36:29 UTC  

Oh my God, what a day that will be

2019-12-01 15:37:57 UTC  

"I got on the bus, and this lady was sitting in the front, and I remember the terrible feeling I had as I said 'Hey, back of the Bus, Ni-'
-Sleepy Creppy Uncle Joe Three Oh Three Three Oh

2019-12-01 15:40:00 UTC  

i am interested to see the voting spread of black voters in the US during this next election. I have faith currently that many have been broken from the cycle of identity democrat voting thanks to Owens and others who have been pushing back

2019-12-01 15:41:45 UTC  

The underlying issue within the country is that all Minorities are treated as votes and not an Autonomous Group of people with grievances

2019-12-01 15:43:09 UTC  

Hence all candidates often pander by promising Gibs and change to Pet Issues like 'Mass Incarceration' or 'Reparations' but when they get elected they don't actually do anything or say "See ya in 2-6 years"

2019-12-01 15:43:48 UTC  

Granted, this can be extended to the entirety of Congress, but it's especially true when it comes to minority groups

2019-12-01 15:45:50 UTC  

Politicians claiming that some dumb hick in a pick up truck shouting a Racial Slur as they drive by is literally the same as Slave Traders rounding people up and selling them is absolutely retarded and is no different from Trailer Trash sitting in their Mobile home drinking 40s and blaming Blacks killing each other in Chicago for the "Fall of the White Race" and taking it out on Locals