Message from @Brue

Discord ID: 650724872221229089

2019-12-01 15:34:03 UTC  

i was going to say something along the lines that it will actually cost more to put them into these facilities, but then i remembered that cali is probably pay much more right now in terms of policing, welfare handouts, ect to them on the streets of LA and San Fran

2019-12-01 15:34:19 UTC  

Recidivism works, but only if someone is willing to work with it

2019-12-01 15:34:34 UTC  

@Gaylien what the holy fuck

2019-12-01 15:34:40 UTC  

No Joe 🤣

2019-12-01 15:34:58 UTC  

Is he trying to be unelectable?

2019-12-01 15:35:09 UTC  

"speaking to a black audience" the mad lad

2019-12-01 15:35:25 UTC  

Someone needs to put that man in a home

2019-12-01 15:35:47 UTC  

in one of those new cali ones for the mentally dificient

2019-12-01 15:35:48 UTC  


2019-12-01 15:36:17 UTC  

How long before he slips and says "The Word"

2019-12-01 15:36:29 UTC  

Oh my God, what a day that will be

2019-12-01 15:37:57 UTC  

"I got on the bus, and this lady was sitting in the front, and I remember the terrible feeling I had as I said 'Hey, back of the Bus, Ni-'
-Sleepy Creppy Uncle Joe Three Oh Three Three Oh

2019-12-01 15:40:00 UTC  

i am interested to see the voting spread of black voters in the US during this next election. I have faith currently that many have been broken from the cycle of identity democrat voting thanks to Owens and others who have been pushing back

2019-12-01 15:41:45 UTC  

The underlying issue within the country is that all Minorities are treated as votes and not an Autonomous Group of people with grievances

2019-12-01 15:43:09 UTC  

Hence all candidates often pander by promising Gibs and change to Pet Issues like 'Mass Incarceration' or 'Reparations' but when they get elected they don't actually do anything or say "See ya in 2-6 years"

2019-12-01 15:43:48 UTC  

Granted, this can be extended to the entirety of Congress, but it's especially true when it comes to minority groups

2019-12-01 15:45:50 UTC  

Politicians claiming that some dumb hick in a pick up truck shouting a Racial Slur as they drive by is literally the same as Slave Traders rounding people up and selling them is absolutely retarded and is no different from Trailer Trash sitting in their Mobile home drinking 40s and blaming Blacks killing each other in Chicago for the "Fall of the White Race" and taking it out on Locals

2019-12-01 15:47:56 UTC  

i believe sadly that the nash is that both sides play to identity politcs, i mean look at the republicans, they are doing the same thing, but with white voters now

2019-12-01 15:48:19 UTC  

most of the elderly i speak to talk about how the country is not english speaking and they want their country back

2019-12-01 15:48:54 UTC  

ideally we would both not use identity politcs but sadly, it is more than likly the nash is that we both use identity politcs

2019-12-01 15:49:16 UTC  


2019-12-01 15:49:53 UTC  

i would like nothing more to treat everyone as an indivudal, but the party which focuses just on indivudals and not groups, will always lose to the party that does, forcing both to start to trend to that

2019-12-01 15:50:30 UTC  

I care when the health of the nation is at risk

2019-12-01 15:50:56 UTC  

In which case both sides are plenty guilty of doing that

2019-12-01 15:50:57 UTC  

if you launched a party platform that did not talk about identity, you would lose to your competitor who did

2019-12-01 15:51:05 UTC  


2019-12-01 15:51:21 UTC  

Even if you make the most amazing and well thought out policies

2019-12-01 15:51:25 UTC  

with probably a p=.9

2019-12-01 15:51:36 UTC  

so over several ections it would go away

2019-12-01 15:52:06 UTC  

Nash solutions only apply in situations where the game can theoretically be figured out and you don't have any information about your opponent's strategy

2019-12-01 15:52:45 UTC  

The more uneven the information war is, the more you can increase your odds by deviating from nash

2019-12-01 15:53:06 UTC  

its comes from inference of the options the oppenent happens, it is the exact same reason deterance works

2019-12-01 15:53:29 UTC  

I work with game theory every day, I know what it's good for and I also know its limitations

2019-12-01 15:54:09 UTC  

Basically the more mistakes your opponent makes, the more you can deviate to gain an advantage

2019-12-01 15:54:28 UTC  

i do too, let me shift from the matrix real quick, and get you the probability graph, i want to see your opinion

2019-12-01 15:58:19 UTC

obvisouly it is not as simple as the martix above, that is simply to just help those unfamilar understand the prisoners delema, (which in my opinon is very similar to the binary choice of identity polics or not). We could expand these options further of course, but i still beleive after several iterations of the game, which we see every poltical election, it is known to both parties that the optimal thing for an election is to bring up identity poltics

2019-12-01 15:58:58 UTC  

every local election is a round, every state, federal ect

2019-12-01 16:00:44 UTC  

both sides are approaching perfect infomation and how the other side wins or loses their elections. the democrat who in the primary that does not bring enough identity poltics will lose, proven fact. the republicans use these rounds to understand that they have to be the reaction to this, also go and use identity poltics to win, its the SAD NASH

2019-12-01 16:02:10 UTC  

I don't know what that graph shows exactly