Message from @ARockRaider

Discord ID: 651283974898843648

2019-12-03 04:28:57 UTC  

Vaush was that tiny dog that, when someone slams a door in the next county, starts barking and won't shut the fuck up for the next two weeks.

2019-12-03 04:29:54 UTC  

You can think on your opponent's clock. You can make a stupid move quickly to save time. You can choose where and when to spend your time. But nobody gets any more time than anyone else.

2019-12-03 04:30:16 UTC  


2019-12-03 04:30:31 UTC  

You guys watch the office ?

2019-12-03 04:30:51 UTC  

i don't

2019-12-03 04:31:34 UTC  


2019-12-03 04:43:53 UTC  

>people have been tricked into thinking every distribution of wealth is socialist, nope
Redistribution of wealth is an essential part of the definition of socialism.

2019-12-03 04:45:00 UTC  

There are two fundamental ideas of socialism.
1) Redistribution of wealth
2) Collectivization of the means of production
Without either of those ideas, it can't possibly be socialist

2019-12-03 04:47:34 UTC  

"Redistribution of wealth" is a rather broad term and could mean any form of taxes.

2019-12-03 04:47:55 UTC  

Technically you could also collectivize property and that could perhaps be considered socialist as well (if it is done involuntarily), but since it is possible to surrender property *voluntarily* to the public, property going into public ownership is not neccessarily socialist, it can just be trade (capitalism) or a donation (neither capitalism nor socialism).

2019-12-03 04:48:00 UTC  

only if the taxes are used to provide goods to people

2019-12-03 04:48:11 UTC  

food stamps are redistribution

2019-12-03 04:48:14 UTC  

roads are not

2019-12-03 04:48:23 UTC  

No, redistribution of wealth is any form of redistribution, even when it happens upwards

2019-12-03 04:48:25 UTC  

depends on who you ask.

2019-12-03 04:48:41 UTC  

If the poor are taxed and all the spoils go to the rich, that's also socialist.

2019-12-03 04:48:54 UTC  

well yeah

2019-12-03 04:48:58 UTC  

that's what such systems always end up being

2019-12-03 04:49:08 UTC  

just look at any socialist nation <:transdank:462401354745249792>

2019-12-03 04:49:32 UTC  

I mean, if the poor are being taxed, the ones doing the taxation always *somehow* happen to be rich elite.

2019-12-03 04:49:59 UTC  

the rich elite are the ones doing the taxation everywhere in the first place aren't they?

2019-12-03 04:50:11 UTC  

Yes, the poor don't do taxation because they lack the means to do so

2019-12-03 04:50:28 UTC  

That's why capitalism actually *gasp* favors the poor

2019-12-03 04:50:54 UTC  

I have always thought that free markets (aka capitalism) is good for the poor.

2019-12-03 04:51:06 UTC  

They indeed are, in fact socialism hurts the poor the most

2019-12-03 04:51:52 UTC  

but people don't like it because "the rich have so much more!"
an arguement that I don't understand in the slightest.
(with out assumeing the worst in the person makeing the arguement)

2019-12-03 04:52:53 UTC  

Yeah it's a psychological effect that's been researched for a while, but with no definitive conclusion. There seems to be a trend that people at the bottom are more content with being poorer, but more equal, rather than richer, but less equal.

2019-12-03 04:53:31 UTC  

It's not an entirely proven concept though

2019-12-03 04:53:39 UTC  

well it's easy to get someone to agree to free stuff for them.

2019-12-03 04:54:38 UTC  

Yeah I mean to someone who doesn't know how wealth is created, or who needs to survive from day to day, "free stuff" surely sounds very good

2019-12-03 04:55:06 UTC  

One thing that desperately needs changing in the common perception is that wealth is a zero sum game

2019-12-03 04:55:37 UTC  

It's absolute not zero sum, and we can prove it by seeing how much wealthier capitalist-leaning nations have become over time.

2019-12-03 04:55:39 UTC  

that would be nice, but I don't think that would change most peoples thoughts on takeing more form a class they will never be in.

2019-12-03 04:55:46 UTC  

In fact all nations all over the world have become wealthier over time.

2019-12-03 04:56:01 UTC  

And that includes the people ate the bonttom

2019-12-03 04:56:37 UTC  

funny enough, it is basic math that says wealth grows.
we mine more form the ground every day, we find more use for the 'waste' every day.

2019-12-03 04:57:06 UTC  

Yep, efficiency has gone up a lot

2019-12-03 04:57:27 UTC  

speaking of, people need to chill with worrying about land fills.

2019-12-03 04:58:25 UTC  

right now i work hauling stuff into a land fill, they get something like 100 loads a day, most being full sized trucks.
you can't see the landfill unless you are above the tree line and even then, it would just look like a hill.

2019-12-03 04:59:03 UTC  

there is also next to no litter on the road leading up to it, it is all cought by the fence around the hill.

2019-12-03 04:59:29 UTC  

Unfortunately I've only ever learned one perspective about landfills, so idk how relevant they are atm