Message from @Jokerfaic

Discord ID: 651873403543748618

2019-12-04 19:46:17 UTC  

then you just don't believe in the 2008 housing crash

2019-12-04 19:46:38 UTC  

No, I don't believe that ignorance makes innocent

2019-12-04 19:48:13 UTC  

so banks gamble away their holders' money, create a giant system of artificial value around subprime mortgages, and its the clients' fault?

2019-12-04 19:48:27 UTC  


2019-12-04 19:48:38 UTC  

No, I'm not saying the fault lies exclusively with one party

2019-12-04 19:48:49 UTC  

I think thats a dumb way of looking at it, it's expecting a random guy to predict and then respond to events in the future that many economists didnt understand

2019-12-04 19:48:49 UTC  

Victim blaming is the answer to everything

2019-12-04 19:48:57 UTC  

I'm saying fault is rarely a black and white issue, that's almost exclusively a thing for children

2019-12-04 19:49:14 UTC  

Congress was creating the legislation at the time to ensure maximum bubble popping too

2019-12-04 19:49:38 UTC  

I blame people who stay in geographically unsafe locations

2019-12-04 19:49:41 UTC  

Then they bail themselves out because their investment companies went tits up

2019-12-04 19:49:50 UTC  

yes, the government is also at fault, but he seems to be placing a bizarre amount of it on the citizenry that got absolutely fucked

2019-12-04 19:50:07 UTC  

My entire philosophy is built around maximization of the self-ownership of responsibility

2019-12-04 19:50:33 UTC  

If you're not willing to maximize your accountability, then you must not blame other people first before yourself for your own failures

2019-12-04 19:51:13 UTC  

okay, you're walking down a sidewalk on a busy street. a car blows a tire and swerves, hitting you. was it your responsibility to have not been on that patch of fucking sidewalk?

2019-12-04 19:51:37 UTC  

That has nothing to do with our debate

2019-12-04 19:51:43 UTC  

it rather does

2019-12-04 19:51:46 UTC  

No-one is responsible for large scale changes that screw people over, and many people simply dont have the resources to actually do anything about it

2019-12-04 19:51:49 UTC  

You're bringing up a fringe scenario to win an argument about the average situation

2019-12-04 19:52:05 UTC  

I already said, getting struck by lightning doesn't count

2019-12-04 19:52:10 UTC  

a massive economic crash is not an average fucking situation

2019-12-04 19:52:21 UTC  

If your philosophy is true than it should apply in all situations

2019-12-04 19:52:25 UTC  

Most people who live in poverty don't do so because of an economic crash

2019-12-04 19:52:48 UTC  

no, which is why I stipulated unnacountably

2019-12-04 19:53:06 UTC  

you're just denying such a thing exists, in a fucking victorian era mindset

2019-12-04 19:53:35 UTC  

But you brought up the 2008 crash, so you gave an example of a case that is not mainly responsible for poverty

2019-12-04 19:54:20 UTC  

losing one's home and money tends to be followed very closely by poverty

2019-12-04 19:54:43 UTC  

Doesn't change the fact that it's a bad example, a better example is people being generally irresponsible with money

2019-12-04 19:55:24 UTC  

how the fuck is that a better example of unaccountable impoverishment? that's literally the other group I stipulated that I wasn't referring to

2019-12-04 19:55:26 UTC  

are you high?

2019-12-04 19:56:12 UTC  

You talked about people being unaccountable, and I would agree that some people are not mainly accountable, but as an example you gave the housing crash, which only drove a minority into poverty

2019-12-04 19:56:19 UTC  

Those who worked to get out of poverty did get out

2019-12-04 19:56:23 UTC  

For the most part

2019-12-04 19:57:52 UTC  

Arguing for a lack of accountability is fine, but if you laserfocus on a minority of people who were extremely unlucky despite working hard, then you're going to have to look extremely hard

2019-12-04 19:58:25 UTC  

People have partial responsibility for 2008, but it's like blaming someone for speeding when the brakes don't work and the accelerator is jammed.

2019-12-04 19:58:26 UTC  

Now, if we're talking about a socialist country, that whole debate would take a different direction

2019-12-04 19:58:49 UTC  

not nearly as hard as you're portraying.

2019-12-04 19:59:00 UTC  

I beg to differ

2019-12-04 19:59:27 UTC  

I had a choice in life to stay poor or get rich, and I decided to get rich, and that's where I'm heading. I had absolutely *zero* qualifications.

2019-12-04 19:59:55 UTC  

"boo hoo I couldn't work in muh field"

2019-12-04 20:00:03 UTC  

Yeah we don't get what we want all the time, get over it