Message from @The Supreme Xtream

Discord ID: 652769553658675211

2019-12-07 07:03:25 UTC  

The Rich, atm, pay less in taxes than your average Joe, lol

2019-12-07 07:03:33 UTC  

Mainly bc of Capital Gains

2019-12-07 07:05:59 UTC  

Bernie used to call himself a "Civil Libertarian" for a long time, so it makes sense for why he'd want to adopt such a policy

2019-12-07 07:06:27 UTC  

Make life more free for your average person, trickling up the economy, at the same time

2019-12-07 07:09:12 UTC  

Here's the root of the problem: Partisanship.

2019-12-07 07:09:21 UTC  


2019-12-07 07:09:25 UTC  

If the Democrat's aren't promoting popular candidates, they can't win the House / Senate

2019-12-07 07:09:33 UTC  

All proposals would be implemented as Executive Orders

2019-12-07 07:09:41 UTC  

And fought vehemently in Congress

2019-12-07 07:09:47 UTC  


2019-12-07 07:10:19 UTC  

Rather than casting Hail Mary's like Impeachment and radical proposals, Dem's need to unify as a party to regain any standing in US govt

2019-12-07 07:10:39 UTC  

That's not gonna happen until they condemn the radical progressives and being appealing to centrists / moderates

2019-12-07 07:10:43 UTC  

It is pretty funny tho. The Republicans, since Reagan, have been working to Return to the 1920s (a time notorious for corruption, starting of in a huge boom and ending in a huge bust), while Bernie wants a return to the 1950s (the most prosperous time in Human History)

2019-12-07 07:11:30 UTC  

Neither party is perfect. Right now, Republican's would do less damage to the economy in the next 4 years than Democrats with their current proposals

2019-12-07 07:11:42 UTC  

Not even touching the radioactive clusterfuck that is the Green New Deal

2019-12-07 07:12:01 UTC  

Democrats and Republicans are virtually the same Party Atm; just appealing to different Demographics

2019-12-07 07:12:13 UTC  

Woah, definitely not

2019-12-07 07:12:18 UTC  

Democrats are Centrist Republicans, basically

2019-12-07 07:12:39 UTC  

That is the essence of the Two Party System in most countries

2019-12-07 07:12:40 UTC  

Absolutely not. That may have been true 10 years ago, definitely not today.

2019-12-07 07:13:09 UTC  

Correction: The Establishment Democrats and the General Republican Party

2019-12-07 07:13:19 UTC  

Ok, that's fair

2019-12-07 07:13:43 UTC  

The Democrats are a seriously fractioned party at the moment. From the AOC crowd, to progressives, to establishment.

2019-12-07 07:14:13 UTC  

Rn the Dems are like the Old Whig Party. They have no real identity and are just allied on a hatred for the other Party's Leader

2019-12-07 07:14:26 UTC  

Ah, the negative partisanship approach.

2019-12-07 07:14:35 UTC  

That works in small doses, typically right before an election.

2019-12-07 07:14:56 UTC  

However, starting the debates 6+ months earlier than 2016 was a mistake. Candidate's lose their luster.

2019-12-07 07:15:18 UTC  

And Democrats have been pushing negative partisanship for the past 2 years. Russia Investigation, Collusion Narrative, Impeachment, etc

2019-12-07 07:15:34 UTC  

This will backfire. If Impeachment goes to the Senate, it will be worse.

2019-12-07 07:16:22 UTC  

Back in the 1830s, the Dems elected a guy named Andrew Jackson (who was a complete Lunatic). He was such a controversial President that a new Party was formed called the "Whig Party", which was a party full of people who were ideologically all over the place but united by their hatred for Andrew Jackson (they actually managed to get 4 presidents elected too)

2019-12-07 07:17:26 UTC  

The problem is Trump has widespread support. His fundraising alone demonstrates Americans do not wish to have another establishment candidate.

2019-12-07 07:17:35 UTC  

*Many Whig members eventually branched off to form a new Party called the "Free Soil Party" (a One-Issue party on the topic of Abolitionism), which eventually became the Republican Party, electing their own President named Abraham Lincoln in 1860*

2019-12-07 07:18:08 UTC  

Quite honestly, you may see a departure from the Democratic party once Trump's re-elected.

2019-12-07 07:18:50 UTC  

Which would shake up politics, as the establishment with a failed Mueller investigation and impeachment will demonstrate complete incompetence in the eyes of Americans.

2019-12-07 07:19:11 UTC  

Likely a progressive party

2019-12-07 07:19:14 UTC  

Now, the Dems are basically like the Old Whigs rn. They have no ideology. They have people all over the place; many centrist, conservative, libertarian, progressive, neo-con, and neo-lib Demograts

2019-12-07 07:19:36 UTC  

They're only allied on "Orange Man Bad"

2019-12-07 07:19:46 UTC  

Just like the Old Whig Party, lol

2019-12-07 07:19:51 UTC  

True. But you have to take loyalism into account

2019-12-07 07:20:01 UTC  

In 2016, many Bernie voters refused to vote for Hillary

2019-12-07 07:20:07 UTC  
