Message from @Mersenne

Discord ID: 653112411695611904

2019-12-08 04:52:37 UTC  

Technically not everything is boomers fault, boomers built the greatest economy in the world and gen x destroyed it, millenials raised with the western world's silver spoon in their hand are so incredibly entitled they seem to think that when life is hard they should be exempt from suffering.

2019-12-08 04:55:18 UTC  

Millenials are oddly collectivist, I blame Xers teaching that we need to share everything with everyone partly

2019-12-08 04:55:54 UTC  

The idea of individual respinsibility is lost on millennials, everything is the fault of something out of their control or the fault of someone else

2019-12-08 04:55:59 UTC  

Like the rich

2019-12-08 04:56:58 UTC  

I see more gen x commies than anyone

2019-12-08 05:05:37 UTC  

Gen x ruined our economy

2019-12-08 05:06:19 UTC  

Millennials made it worse by electing Obama

2019-12-08 05:06:41 UTC  

how did obama ruin the economy

2019-12-08 05:06:45 UTC  

And will kill it completely if they install warren, gabbard, or god forbid sanders

2019-12-08 05:12:08 UTC  

Let's see, slowest economic recovery since the second world war lifted us out of the depression, raising the debt by more than every us president in history combined by maintaining a 1.2 trillion dollar deficit, knifed the healtcare industry by forcing insurance companies to cover preexisting conditions which doubled or even sometimes trippled insurance premiums, highest unemployment in a good long time which never actually changed.

2019-12-08 05:12:45 UTC  

Need I continue?

2019-12-08 05:14:38 UTC  

His runaway spending was only checked by a bare conservative majority that shut down his ability to keep shoveling money wherever he wanted.

2019-12-08 05:15:45 UTC  

Oh and nearly destroyed our educational system with common core, while our reading skills have only shrunk slightly our math performances and likely consequentially our science performance has dropped like a rock

2019-12-08 05:20:55 UTC  

For all you uneducated fucksticks who seem to think that Obamacare is a conservative policy, romney is not a conservative, he was not terrible looking and he was well spoken, and he was a center with a somewhat left lean republican who was favored more by women than other conservative candidates. He was definitely not the best we could have picked if they wanted real Republican values, even I as a libertarian understand that

2019-12-08 05:21:26 UTC  

Trying to point the finger at Republican's for the disaster that was Obamacare is just dishonest, own your failues or quit running for office

2019-12-08 05:48:55 UTC  

republicans always bring up the deficit when talking about obama, but there hasnt been a peep about it now that trump;s in office... and its higher than ever

2019-12-08 05:50:33 UTC  

well i guess he wont be in office much longer

2019-12-08 05:50:58 UTC  

his impeachment will be an early christmas present 🙂

2019-12-08 05:52:35 UTC  

idk why people say the case is fake, even republican witnesses had to admit under oath that he's guilty...

2019-12-08 05:55:06 UTC  

*his impeachment will be an early christmas present* <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2019-12-08 05:55:33 UTC  

*IF* the Democrat's actually have the stones to impeach in the house, it's not happening in the Senate.

2019-12-08 05:56:41 UTC  

And right now, Democrats would nerf public opinion, risk having the Biden's called to the stand, and remove DNC candidates from campaigning as they'll be stuck in the trial.

2019-12-08 05:57:15 UTC  

I doubt Dems will call for impeachment at all. Probably spit some bs about "it's *so close* to the election" or "let the *people* decide" - before moving to a Censure bill

2019-12-08 05:59:26 UTC  

haha, yeah I'm skeptical too, call it wishfull thinking 🙂

2019-12-08 06:03:41 UTC  

but I'm not sure how you could argue against that essentialy admission of guilt from someone who was handpicked by trump.

2019-12-08 06:04:15 UTC  

Are they still on the Ukraine thing? What happened to the Russia Impeachment shit? Why was that dropped so easily?

2019-12-08 06:04:59 UTC  

>inb4 "Trump intimidated the Ukrainians"

2019-12-08 06:06:19 UTC  

The allegations of muh collusion are far more damning than some investigation about Trump asking Ukraine to do some shit on their end

2019-12-08 06:06:31 UTC  

shit which they could have just....y'know, refused, since it's servers on their end, not on the American's end

2019-12-08 06:08:16 UTC  

he held back aid to them to get dirt on joe biden... why else would he mention joe biden 4 times in a call with the president of Ukraine

2019-12-08 06:08:22 UTC  

Citation needed

2019-12-08 06:09:53 UTC  
2019-12-08 06:11:18 UTC
ABC's seemingly official transcript seems to only show a single mention of Biden

2019-12-08 06:11:29 UTC  


2019-12-08 06:11:37 UTC  

he shouldnt have been mentioned at all

2019-12-08 06:12:05 UTC  

Why not?

2019-12-08 06:12:11 UTC  

It's some shady shit that the Bidens are doing

2019-12-08 06:12:19 UTC  

on Ukrainian servers
Which the Ukrainians CAN refuse, you know that, right?

2019-12-08 06:12:27 UTC  
2019-12-08 06:12:29 UTC  

I still have yet to receive a citation on the revocation of aid

2019-12-08 06:12:36 UTC  

@Smirk Supreme Inshallah