Message from @SuperHeroDeluxe

Discord ID: 654013832003452959

2019-12-10 17:02:03 UTC  


2019-12-10 17:03:05 UTC  

the only thing i really don't like about the pepe stuff is how ugly it is, it nearly causes a physical reaction of disgust.

2019-12-10 17:03:13 UTC  

it's just so ugly!

2019-12-10 17:03:21 UTC  

I like it

2019-12-10 17:03:29 UTC  

It's very much my humor

2019-12-10 17:03:44 UTC  

Like the extreme close ups SpongeBob would do

2019-12-10 17:06:13 UTC  

anyhow, i'm gonna bail now. talk to you later #3!
(that last bit wasn't ment to be an emoticon)

2019-12-10 17:07:18 UTC  

Tiòrdhath à charaid

2019-12-10 17:07:30 UTC  

I have no idea what you mean with that.

2019-12-10 17:20:35 UTC  

@randomNPCno3. SpongeBob borrowed a lot of features from Ren & Stimpy if you haven't seen it, you may like their style too.

2019-12-10 17:22:34 UTC  

I just forgot about them

2019-12-10 17:22:51 UTC  

They were pulled off air pretty early in my childhood

2019-12-10 17:23:12 UTC  

You're be enjoying the rather normal sort of animation and then suddenly there would be an ugly close-up with dramatic music.

2019-12-10 17:23:38 UTC  

Along with cow&chicken, Zim, and rockos modern Life. Actually, most of the old CN shows

2019-12-10 17:24:11 UTC  

And Nickelodeon

2019-12-10 17:25:18 UTC  

Ah, real monsters... What else? Cartoons feel like they're not as good anymore. There's good animated shows, but I feel like we've lost that specifically cartoon feel

2019-12-10 17:26:50 UTC  

@ARockRaider it's Gaelic for "goodbye, friend"

2019-12-10 17:27:05 UTC  


2019-12-10 17:30:35 UTC  

Things went really bad for Ren and Stumpy with Nickelodeon managment. Nickelodeon pretty much just said fuckit after awhile and took the best parts of Ren and Stumpy for use in their other series.

2019-12-10 17:43:21 UTC  


2019-12-10 17:43:31 UTC  

and yeah, real shame

2019-12-10 17:43:51 UTC  

Anyone here play a string instrument ?

2019-12-10 17:43:55 UTC  

speaking of Zim, I'm really glad Richard Horvitz is branching out

2019-12-10 17:44:37 UTC  

though by now he's forever doomed never play characters taller than three and a half feet

2019-12-10 17:49:18 UTC  

Imortalized in chibi

2019-12-10 17:55:17 UTC  

can't have blacks leaving the plantation can we... --msnbc

2019-12-10 18:43:41 UTC  

"Back to work, N*ggers"

2019-12-10 18:54:23 UTC  


2019-12-10 19:54:11 UTC  

He is good for it~ Well if hasn't blown it on other strippers.

2019-12-10 19:56:53 UTC  

I mean to be fair I'd want a bunch of hookers and prostitutes too, I just wouldn't want to get the job cause of my father

2019-12-10 20:44:01 UTC  

May I confess that my main problem with the Democrats is that I actually like most of their ideas, but leftist take them too far?

2019-12-10 20:52:54 UTC  

Yeah you're gay

2019-12-10 20:59:10 UTC  

I wonder if he had the prostitutes smack his ass with a fake time magazine wih him on the cover?

2019-12-10 20:59:45 UTC  

Oh wait, that was trump

2019-12-10 21:01:40 UTC  

He probably went with trump and epstien on his pedo plane, probably fucked a bunch of kids on his private island

2019-12-10 22:19:14 UTC  

Most democrat ideas imo are pretty bad. Low taxes are good for the economy; despite lowering taxes, tax revenue has increased, as taxes come from the economy, and so an improved economy means an improved amount of tax revenue. Overly high taxes like say 70% strangle the economy, and this means you ultimately end up getting less money then you think you would, on top of people fleeing the country or trying to avoid paying them all together. There is a net positive to cutting taxes, to a certain point, as in 0% taxes would mean no taxes of course, or 5% etc. Then theres' the whole concept of universal healthcare, of which by definition according to the world health organization we have universal healthcare, and our healthcare system is one of the best in the world with one of the highest survival rates. Whether by looking at the list of survival rates for most diseases, or just the fact the NHS in the UK figured it had a 45% higher death rate than the U.S., single payer systems, essentially what the left wants us to copy, tend to be worse. All the countries with good healthcare, like Denmark, Norway, Sweden etc. are actually just capitalist with large amounts of welfare spending, like the U.S. We actually outspend most of these countries on healthcare spending. Until recently, our business taxes were the highest in the world and way higher than these countries. These countries also require mandatory military service and are very socially conservative, so copying them isn't going to end up how democrats think anyways

2019-12-10 22:19:37 UTC  

I'm not against welfare and I don't think most conservatives are per se. They just don't want wasted money. Community college for example is already a thing, but paying for someone to go to harvard, that is a 300,000 dollar degree for some random literature degree, is insane, other than the fact that we don't have the money, it also isn't financially beneficial. Getting say a, 3,000 dollar community college degree to be good at engineering or something practical makes sense, but not just all college and all of it paid for by the government. 3 trillion dollars on top of the 4 trillion we already spend is kind of absurd, and that's not including the extra 3-5 trillion per year for their healthcare plan, out of a 20 trillion dollar economy. Most Republican states already have lower homelessness and poverty rates among other things, and that's due to focusing on the real issues and improving the economy. Homelessness is more of a mental health thing (rather than just blaming the rich for not paying enough money) and a better economy removes the need for welfare to begin with. You improve the economy you have more money for welfare and you need less of it to spend on people as they can take care of themselves more easily.