Message from @UnScottable

Discord ID: 664523942987563010

2020-01-08 17:38:16 UTC  

Not happening. It's like saying every DACA recipient should be deported, until you see hundreds of thousands of people getting carted off in busses.

2020-01-08 17:38:29 UTC  

Nuke em

2020-01-08 17:38:41 UTC  

We can easily send all the US troops in the ME home or just redeploy them somewhere else

2020-01-08 17:38:41 UTC  

When some Middle Eastern country gets a genocide treatment and America isn't there to do anything, the American people will beg the government to do something.

2020-01-08 17:38:56 UTC  


2020-01-08 17:38:59 UTC  

America is the problem in the Middle East not the solution

2020-01-08 17:39:11 UTC  


2020-01-08 17:39:15 UTC  


2020-01-08 17:39:37 UTC  

The sovereign Parliament of Iraq has already voted for the US to withdraw it's troops and the US are refusing to get all of their troops to leave

2020-01-08 17:39:38 UTC  

sandnigs being sandnigs is the original problem.

now we tried to help, failed. now its time to leave imo.

2020-01-08 17:39:52 UTC  

the damn neocons and war-hawks certainly cannot claim that we didnt try

2020-01-08 17:40:06 UTC  

We have wasted so much money and time in the Middle East and we have gained nothing at all

2020-01-08 17:40:08 UTC  

Just like how so much of America was crying foul over Trump shifting troops in Syria. If America leaves, the ME will go up in flames, and the American people will beg to enter again.

2020-01-08 17:40:18 UTC  

Just leave them to themselves

2020-01-08 17:40:37 UTC  

If they fall apart let the people their pick up the pieces and rebuild

2020-01-08 17:40:44 UTC  


2020-01-08 17:40:45 UTC  

We just shouldn't intervene

2020-01-08 17:40:50 UTC  

the only people complaining about that

2020-01-08 17:40:52 UTC  

were zionists

2020-01-08 17:40:54 UTC  

and neocons

2020-01-08 17:40:59 UTC  

and people bought off in our gov

2020-01-08 17:41:11 UTC  

everyone else was happy that we were leaving the kurds to die

2020-01-08 17:41:16 UTC  

i was actually quite happy

2020-01-08 17:41:25 UTC  

Nice framing of the situation @UnScottable

2020-01-08 17:41:34 UTC  

just look at those who complained

2020-01-08 17:41:45 UTC  

Anyway, Trump made a point about NATO getting more involved in the Middle East. If he can make that happen, it'll be a load off the US and more of a shared responsibility.

2020-01-08 17:41:57 UTC  

see thats what we need to do

2020-01-08 17:41:57 UTC  

@Lidomite Let me ask you this, What do we actually gain from being in the Middle East?

2020-01-08 17:42:00 UTC  

@UnScottable I mean you straight up saying "leaving the Kurds to die."

2020-01-08 17:42:02 UTC  

trump made a good point

2020-01-08 17:42:20 UTC  

Stability hasn't exactly increased with a US presence their

2020-01-08 17:42:28 UTC  

We are losing more money then we could ever gain their

2020-01-08 17:42:35 UTC  

i mean yea thats a dramatic way to put it but i like to give the left the frame right and then still say HAH guess what

2020-01-08 17:42:39 UTC  

im glad we left them to die

2020-01-08 17:42:44 UTC  

cuz fuck communist muzzies

2020-01-08 17:42:47 UTC  


2020-01-08 17:43:06 UTC  

Sure, but the vast majority of Americans would disagree with you when presented with that framing.

2020-01-08 17:43:17 UTC  

well you know as well as i do

2020-01-08 17:43:20 UTC  

that its a misleading frame