Message from @Jym

Discord ID: 665721496529797134

2020-01-12 00:55:39 UTC  

Democratisation of the Workplace that Socialists want really isn't that bad of an idea

2020-01-12 00:55:40 UTC  

I think facism is a workable communist state

2020-01-12 00:55:53 UTC  

Well to be fair Marx thought (he had a lot of retarded ideas) that socialism and eventually communism would occur in industrial capitalist nations.

2020-01-12 00:55:53 UTC  

but horrible still

2020-01-12 00:55:58 UTC  

We need to ensure people have freedom through violent force

2020-01-12 00:56:00 UTC  

marx thought that socialism was an evolution of capitalism in the same way he thought capitalism was an evolution of feudalism

2020-01-12 00:56:06 UTC  

not at all. by definition communism and the legitimate state cannot coexist

2020-01-12 00:56:41 UTC  

he thought that capitalism would proletarianize the masses paving way for a proletarian revolution and for the proletariat to take the reins of state power from the bourgeoisie

2020-01-12 00:56:47 UTC  

@The Electric Lizard sure, in a certain sense, EVERYTHING is "arguable." But that doesn't mean there's any sort of reasonable grounds for your side of the argument

2020-01-12 00:57:05 UTC  

facism is just communism that works

2020-01-12 00:57:07 UTC  

Well Socialism can improve on Capitalism in many ways

2020-01-12 00:57:09 UTC  

Socialism didn't grow from capitalism, it's a separate system of economics that was built to leech off capitalism. But they're two very separate systems

2020-01-12 00:57:15 UTC  

the way in which fascism was an "evolution" of socialism is quite distinct from this

2020-01-12 00:57:18 UTC  

Of course industrial capitalist nations treat people better than communist ones so communism happened in agrarian feudal nations where there are little means of production to seize.

2020-01-12 00:57:28 UTC  

Like Democratisation of the Workplace that i mentioned before @Benjamin Henry

2020-01-12 00:57:40 UTC  

I mean, in a way that's not untrue, what with the widespread conception of the upper classes as being self-absorbed and an active detriment to the working class

2020-01-12 00:58:02 UTC  

a conception largely produced by evidence and experience, bear in mind

2020-01-12 00:58:19 UTC  

fascists rejected socialism but saw within socialist movements (specifically syndicalist ones) a legitimate movement that should be recognized in its role as an expression of proletarian interests

2020-01-12 00:59:07 UTC  

The only thing fascism could see socialism had a point on was central authority and the supposed grand failure of liberalism

2020-01-12 00:59:28 UTC  

Free Association as much a "democratization of the workplace" as any bullshit Marx ever proposed, and it doesn't require an overthrow of any existing power structures to work

2020-01-12 00:59:33 UTC  

Democratization of the workplace is a fundamentally stupid idea. Here, lets work through it. Say your democratic workplace manages a profit. You hold a vote to;
1. Hire more people and expand
2. Give everyone a raise
3. reduce the work week by 2 hours.

What wins the vote?????

2020-01-12 00:59:50 UTC  

whatever people vote for

2020-01-12 00:59:51 UTC  

It's inherently a better system

2020-01-12 00:59:59 UTC  

or whatever the managers who people elected decide

2020-01-12 00:59:59 UTC  

That would be up to the workers @Jym

2020-01-12 01:00:17 UTC  

i mean worker cooperatives empirically function fine

2020-01-12 01:00:17 UTC  

that's not as singularly apparent as you seem to believe

2020-01-12 01:00:35 UTC  

@The Electric Lizard

Have you met other human beings? It is going to be 2 or 3.

2020-01-12 01:00:42 UTC  

The whole idea of Democratisation of the workplace is the perception which in many ways is correct that the boss does none of the work and takes most of the profit

2020-01-12 01:00:52 UTC  

It would quickly turn workplaces into student councils, popularity contents

2020-01-12 01:01:03 UTC  

I mean I agree, just blanket democratizing all business isn't a great idea, but blanket assuming the ones that do will all cater to the self interest of the workers 100% of the time is just as ignorant

2020-01-12 01:01:28 UTC  

though that neglects to mention that the boss takes all the risk on whether or not the business fails @The Electric Lizard

2020-01-12 01:01:29 UTC  

The workers have no need to take control of the means of production. That whole issue assumes that people have to be slotted into predetermined jobs and stay there for their whole lives

2020-01-12 01:01:33 UTC  

Why're you CEO?
I was captain of the football team and I got a hot GF

2020-01-12 01:01:41 UTC  

in regards to the distinction between fascism and socialism economically i think this chart is good

2020-01-12 01:01:41 UTC  

And takes most of the risks. Most businesses fail by the third year. Their employees and suppliers get paid and they go broke.

2020-01-12 01:01:47 UTC  

Democratizing of the Workplace under Capitalism is probably the best way to do things

2020-01-12 01:01:51 UTC  

Because it keeps Liberty

2020-01-12 01:01:54 UTC  

classical marxist socialism on the top left and fascism in the center

2020-01-12 01:02:08 UTC  

It's a stupid way to do things as I have already demonstrated.

2020-01-12 01:02:17 UTC  

i mean it empirically works