Message from @TeeTotaler

Discord ID: 665772133250760715

2020-01-12 04:14:25 UTC  

I mean, you could press the point home if you cited the specific page(s) relevent to the discussion

2020-01-12 04:14:52 UTC  

hard to do that when your statement is "x is bad" and there's a million points

2020-01-12 04:15:02 UTC  

most of the time people won't have their mind changed by data, no matter how good the data is.

2020-01-12 04:15:10 UTC  

plus in my defence usually these discussions happen with NEETs who have nothing but free time

2020-01-12 04:15:16 UTC  

so they have 0 excuse not to read it

2020-01-12 04:15:21 UTC  

Well then that just looks like you're trying to scare cunts off with massive amounts of reading material

2020-01-12 04:15:50 UTC  

oh no! scary reading material that will educate! the horror!

2020-01-12 04:16:07 UTC  

if you have a point, make the point, literally no one, good faith or bad, is going to impromptu read a short novel's worth of shit for an internet argument

2020-01-12 04:16:33 UTC  

then they're not actually looking to be educated on the subject

2020-01-12 04:17:07 UTC  

probably educated on their own time...? again, impromptu reading assignments are unnattractive

2020-01-12 04:17:35 UTC  

unless they just have literally nothing better to do with their day, in which case why the fuck are you debating children?

2020-01-12 04:17:39 UTC  

how many people do you know that actually take time to educate themselves? most people will read some trashy "journalistic" article and act as if they're well read on the subject

2020-01-12 04:18:01 UTC  

there's loads of jobless guys nowadays

2020-01-12 04:18:12 UTC  

i think california was something like only 43% of men were working

2020-01-12 04:18:27 UTC  

you could show the sort of people we are talking about a single graph that gives all the data truthfully and they still wouldn't change their mind, the large amount of reading is just an excuse.

2020-01-12 04:18:49 UTC  

well first, lets have healthy skepticism on what california thinks is a man

2020-01-12 04:19:22 UTC  

well if you want to run around yelling and acting well informed about a subject then you probably should/want to be educated and actually well informed on the subject you are pretending to be a supporter for

2020-01-12 04:20:02 UTC  

secondly, you're still not addressing the fact few people in the middle of a pissant internet bitching match are going to stop and take the time to consume an entire thesis on whatever fucking subject right then and there

2020-01-12 04:20:20 UTC  

it wasn't a pissing match, it was a discussion

2020-01-12 04:20:46 UTC  

just because 1 person throws a fit because "omg! a different opinion!" doesn't make the entire thing a pissing contest

2020-01-12 04:20:47 UTC  

I'm not arguing whether they're clearly not up for the discussion in the first place, just that you're presenting an unreasonable and unnatractive activity in the middle of the discussion

2020-01-12 04:21:35 UTC  

it depends on the impact of the subject, if it is a superficial topic then sure it can be some overly simplified explanation

2020-01-12 04:22:05 UTC  

but if it's something that has a lot of repercussions to it then it should be met with more material that explores its many facets

2020-01-12 04:22:20 UTC  

then again if I'm presented some enormous organ of text, I employ CTRL+F and look for what was actually relevent to the topic at hand

2020-01-12 04:22:23 UTC  

the more complex the subject/system the more reading and information you need

2020-01-12 04:23:20 UTC  

besides, the reading wasn't me telling them to immediately read it and try to respond to the material. The material was simply given as sources for reference to what I was saying and secondly as a source for them to learn

2020-01-12 05:24:01 UTC  

Apparently basically everyone can get out of jail instantly now
Even bail-jumping is not considered an offense lol

2020-01-12 05:39:05 UTC  

Bail Reform is the Wrong direction and it’s literally going to get people killed

2020-01-12 05:40:07 UTC  

If Darquan gets arrested for beating the shit out of Shaunte’equisha, he gets let back out because he can’t afford bail then he goes and finishes the job

2020-01-12 05:54:27 UTC  

... the fuck is "slugging?"

2020-01-12 05:54:37 UTC  

is that a typo?

2020-01-12 05:55:03 UTC  

If what's happening to NY and SF doesn't make skeptics warm up to the possibility of a conspiracy regarding globalism and socialism, I don't know what will.

2020-01-12 05:56:21 UTC  

Slugging is a term for punching someone

2020-01-12 05:56:34 UTC  

Very hard

2020-01-12 05:56:36 UTC  

Or hitting something really hard

2020-01-12 05:56:49 UTC  

the propaganda and multi-culturalism is concentrated in the big cities. thats why its radiating out from them. Has to do with universities too. Universities are typically in big cities

2020-01-12 05:57:08 UTC  

Or getting in a fight to settle a Dispute

2020-01-12 05:58:47 UTC  

I prefer donnybrook for that